Inter­na­tional office

Exchange studies and traineeships

Karelia has more than 100 partner insti­tu­tions in 30 differ­ent coun­tries. Every year about 100 students from Karelia are either study­ing or doing prac­ti­cal train­ing abroad and about 80 inter­na­tional students are study­ing or doing prac­ti­cal train­ing at Karelia or in its partner organ­i­sa­tions or compa­nies in the region. Karelia offers three English-instructed Bach­e­lor degree programs and a number of courses and modules for incom­ing exchange students and partic­i­pates actively in devel­op­ing blended inten­sive programs (BIP) with its partners.

Outgo­ing students get infor­ma­tion and support on their possi­bil­i­ties for student and trainee exchanges and other ways to inter­na­tion­al­ize them­selves from the inter­na­tional coor­di­na­tor of their study field. Studies or prac­ti­cal train­ing completed abroad are fully cred­ited towards student’s degree at Karelia.

Inter­na­tional Rela­tions Coor­di­na­tors
Ms. Antonia Stavri­dou
Staff mobil­ity, Student mobil­ity, BIPs, TFK and Nord­plus programmes,
+358 50 3458262, mobility(at); [email protected]

Ms. Sofiya Meleshkova
Student mobil­ity
+358 50 4460044, mobil­ity (at), [email protected]

Ms. Katri­ina Korho­nen (on leave 2.4. – 30.7.2024)
Erasmus+ Insti­tu­tional coor­di­na­tor, Erasmus+ agree­ments, Erasmus+ KA 131 and KA171 funding, EWP, staff mobil­ity
+358 50 5855146, inter­na­tional (at); [email protected]