Possi­ble infor­ma­tion secu­rity risk in the admis­sion proce­dure of Inter­na­tional Busi­ness degree programme

Possi­ble infor­ma­tion secu­rity risk in the admis­sion proce­dure of Inter­na­tional Busi­ness degree programme

A possi­ble data breach has been noticed with some of the appli­cants of Bachelor’s Degree Programmes in Busi­ness in the Finnish univer­si­ties of applied sciences. The appli­cants have been asked to create the personal appli­ca­tion videos and share those with the UASs in question.

The fact that some of the videos have not been unlisted and there­fore the videos have been public for every­one, has caused a possi­ble data breach.

Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences has reported a data breach noti­fi­ca­tion of this case to the super­vi­sory author­ity of Finland, the Office of the Data Protec­tion Ombuds­man. All coop­er­at­ing UASs have contacted the appli­cants on the possi­bil­ity of the data breach and instructed the appli­cants to delete the possi­ble public appli­ca­tion videos.

Alto­gether 15 univer­si­ties of applied sciences coop­er­ate with the Inter­na­tional Busi­ness programmes.

More infor­ma­tion:
Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Head of Student Recruit­ment Pirjo Uusoksa, email: [email protected]