Arriv­ing in Joensuu and Karelia

updated in Decem­ber 2022

Good to know

  • Keep all your impor­tant docu­ments in your hand luggage when trav­el­ling: tickets, visa/residence permit, admis­sion and insur­ance docu­ments, confir­ma­tion of your lease and address in Joensuu.
  • As of 1 July 2022, there are no COVID-19-related restric­tions on entry to Finland. You are no longer required to present a certifi­cate of your COVID-19 vacci­na­tions or a nega­tive test result at the border.
  • However, it is strongly recom­mended to get a full series of COVID-19 vacci­na­tions before arrival. 
  • Before depar­ture, check if your airline or any of the transit coun­tries requires a nega­tive COVID-19 test. Wearing a face mask on flights might be required. Remem­ber good hand and cough­ing hygiene and the use of hand sani­tizer when travelling.
  • Instruc­tions of the Finnish border guard 

At Helsinki airport

Trav­el­ling to Joensuu

The train is the best way to travel to Joensuu from the airport. There are several trains daily from Helsinki to Joensuu (about 440 km north-east from Helsinki).

Commuter trains P and I operate between Helsinki Airport and Helsinki city centre.
If you are in Helsinki City Centre, take the Inter­city or Pendolino train from the main railway station directly to Joensuu. 

You can take a train also directly from the Helsinki airport to Joensuu (there is one transfer): 

1) Take commuter train P to Tikkurila. (Please note: commuter train I does NOT go via Tikkurila!)
2) Trans­fer to Inter­city or Pendolino train from Tikkurila to Joensuu. (Joensuu is the last destination)

Where to buy train tickets? 

  • In advance from the VR (Finnish rail­ways) website OR VR Matkalla App OR
    • from the ticket vending machine at the airport, Helsinki main railway station or Tikkurila railway station, or 
    • from any R-kioski, for example at the airport or Tikkurila railway station

Buying online some weeks before the trip is the cheap­est option. It is NOT possi­ble to buy a ticket from the conduc­tor on the train. 

  • Safety instruc­tions for trav­el­ling in trains:
  • Please don’t buy a student ticket since you are enti­tled to student discounts on Finnish trains and buses only with a Finnish student card!

Long-distance busses to Joensuu leave from the Helsinki city centre (Kamppi central bus station). 

  • Matkahuolto, long-distance bus services. 
  • Onnibus, long-distance bus services. 

Flights between Helsinki and Joensuu

  • Finnair flies between Helsinki and Joensuu once or twice a day. Flight time is about 1 hour.
  • The Joensuu airport is located about 11 km from the Joensuu city centre. There is a bus leaving after each flight from the airport to the city centre. Airport info.

Arriv­ing in Joensuu

  • Exchange students: please inform Karelia Inter­na­tional Office (arrival form link sent to you!) and your student tutor about your arrival beforehand.
  • Degree students, please inform also your study counsellor. 
    • Inter­na­tional Busi­ness: riikka.kaasinen (at)
    • Indus­trial Manage­ment: jukka.tulonen (at)
  • If you wish, your student tutor will pick up your key and deliver it to you when meeting you. Please agree on this well in advance!

Public trans­port (local buses) in Joensuu 

Maps, timeta­bles, fares:

Feeling sick after your arrival

If you get any flu or stomach flu symp­toms after your arrival, remem­ber the safety instruc­tions (avoid meeting anybody, keep your distance, hand and cough­ing hygiene). You may also take an antigen home test.

Updated instruc­tions on COVID-19 in North Karelia

You can complete a symptom assess­ment at If you meet certain crite­ria, the Omaolo service will instruct you to call the emer­gency help support number at 116 117 avail­able 24/7.

  • In order to avoid contacts, you can order groceries online from K-Ruoka or Foodie. These services are unfor­tu­nately avail­able only in Finnish but you can use trans­la­tion apps like Google Trans­late or maybe you ask your tutor to help you. For order­ing restau­rant meals at home, you can use: Wolt: or Foodora:

Addi­tional links

Karelia’s coro­n­ainfo:
Coro­n­avirus situ­a­tion in the EU: