Code of prac­tice for power cuts in Karelia

Karelia is prepar­ing for possi­ble power cuts related to national energy saving measures. These outages may be pre-announced, lasting approx­i­mately two hours, or unan­nounced outages of varying lengths.

Staff and students will work as long as possi­ble on campus accord­ing to normal prac­tice. The Pres­i­dent will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to move to full distance working/teaching. This deci­sion will be commu­ni­cated sepa­rately where appropriate.

At this stage, we do not restrict the use of our facil­i­ties. Karelia’s secu­rity team is actively moni­tor­ing the situ­a­tion and will take action if necessary.

Infor­ma­tion on power cuts

Where possi­ble, staff, students and other campus stake­hold­ers are informed of power cuts in advance, usually at least 24 hours before the outage. Our infor­ma­tion chan­nels are:

  • Students: Pakki, Tuudo, announce­ments, info TV and email
  • Staff: intra, announce­ments, Secapp mobile app, infotv and email

For ques­tions and further infor­ma­tion, please contact the Karelia Secu­rity Team: [email protected], Secu­rity Team phone number 013 260 6112.

Impact of the power cut on Karelia’s operations

1) Disrup­tion to premises during a power cut

  • For light­ing, emer­gency light­ing will display green symbols on exit routes for about 1 hour

The exter­nal doors will lock, but you will be able to exit normally. However, during a power cut, you can only enter with a PIN code. During a power cut, we recom­mend using the door next to the auto­matic sliding door in Build­ing A on Tikkarinne campus. On the Wärt­silä campus, we recom­mend using the door on the Ollinkatu side. During a power outage, each person passing through the door must ensure that the doors are closed when leaving the building.

  • Do not use the lift when a power cut is expected. This will ensure that you don’t get stuck in the lift. Alarm systems in lifts will also work during a power cut. Lifts will not operate during a power failure.
  • Cold water is available.
  • Try to avoid using the toilet during a power cut.
  • The heating is not working, so avoid opening windows and doors unnecessarily.
  • Air condi­tion­ing is not working
  • The fire alarm system will work also during a power cut.
  • In labo­ra­to­ries and other special areas with machin­ery and equip­ment, more detailed instruc­tions are avail­able in case of power cuts.
  • Borrow­ing and renew­ing library mate­ri­als is not possi­ble during a power outage. Library mate­ri­als can be returned to the return shelf inside the library or to the return box outside the entrance. Returns will be processed when the power outage is over. Library customer service phone Mon-Fri 8:30-15:00: 050 311 9545.
  • The use of EXAM exam­i­na­tion facil­ity  is inter­rupted.
In the event of a disrup­tion, please contact: On week­days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to the campus care­tak­ers: Tikkarinne tel. 050 592 8138 and Wärt­silä tel. 050 326 8462Evenings after 16:00 and week­ends: Prop­erty Main­te­nance tel. 050 017 6500 

2) Impact of power cuts on the services of Student and Admis­sion Services

During power cuts, both the customer service of Student Services on Tikkarinne campus and the remote service are closed. Phone service (013 260 6412) is avail­able on Mon-Tue and Thu-Fri at 11.00-14.00.

The follow­ing services are not avail­able during power cuts:

  • Peppi system
  • Certifi­cates printed out through the Atomi service (tran­script of records, study certificate)
  • Grad­u­a­tion appli­ca­tions through the grad­u­a­tion system VALO
  • Pakki student portal
  • Infor­ma­tion on Peppi and Pakki will not be updated and trans­ferred to Tuudo
  • Chat service
  • Outlook email
  • Use of Webropol forms (trans­fer of Campu­sOn­line studies)

As regards the Admis­sion Services, power cuts also have on impact on the manage­ment of infor­ma­tion on joint and sepa­rate appli­ca­tions and student selec­tions, if the national appli­ca­tion systems cannot be logged into via mobile network or home network connections.

3) Impact of power cuts on EXAM elec­tronic exams

EXAM elec­tronic exams cannot be taken during power cuts. If infor­ma­tion on becom­ing power cuts is received before­hand, the exams can be cancelled for that period of time. The enrolled students will be informed about this by email, and they can book a new exam imme­di­ately after the exam has been cancelled.

If the power cut takes place while the student is taking the exam, the exam must be discon­tin­ued as the lights will go off and the network connec­tion will stop working. In this case, the student closes the exam and the computer and exits the EXAM room immediately.

The inter­rup­tion of an exam due to a power cut does not cause the student to lose an exam attempt. The student should contact both the exam­iner and the EXAM support ([email protected]) about the situ­a­tion and provide them with infor­ma­tion on the discon­tin­ued exam (name and time of the exam). After this, the exam­iner will allow a new exam to be taken by the student.

If neces­sary, the exam­iner can ask for help from the EXAM support.

4) IT services and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions disrup­tions during a power outage

The follow­ing services will not be avail­able during power cuts:

  • IT and AV equip­ment in classrooms
  • Inter­nal commu­ni­ca­tion network (includ­ing wire­less Wifi/WLAN – includ­ing Eduroam)
  • Infor­ma­tion system services in the school’s own data centre
    • home direc­to­ries and shared online direc­to­ries (“Luna”), Dynasty, PowerBI, … some cloud comput­ing services:
      • Pakki,  Moodle, Peppi, Dynam­ics CRM, Reportronic, M2, Webropol, Wihi, etc.

The follow­ing services may be avail­able during power outages:

  • Mobile network and home network connec­tions provided by operators
  • Cloud services:
    • Microsoft 365 services (Outlook, Teams, Intra), Karelia website (, Karelia Sign, Personec F ESS, Rondo, Cloudia Kilpailu­tus, Intro, Sympa, Trail, Dream­bro­ker, Howspace, …
  • Not all func­tions of Karelia-Finna are in use
  • These can be accessed from home or on a laptop using a mobile connec­tion, for example. However, func­tion­al­ity depends on factors exter­nal to Karelia.

In the event of a problem, please contact the Karelia Helpdesk tel. 013 260 6116