vuoden alumni

Suvi Hassi­nen is the alumnus of the year 2018 at Karelia UAS

Suvi Hassi­nen is the alumnus of the year 2018 at Karelia UAS


Suvi Hassi­nen, a year 2015 grad­u­ate from Karelia UAS Degree Programme in Inter­na­tional Busi­ness, has been selected as the alumnus of the year. Hassi­nen, who works as the CEO of Havel Oy, has been actively coop­er­at­ing with Karelia UAS after her grad­u­a­tion. She has been sharing her career story with Karelia UAS students and also coop­er­at­ing with Karelia UAS students through various project commissions.

Suvi Hassi­nen completed her Inter­na­tional Busi­ness studies at Karelia UAS success­fully, and her career path in a family company specialised in hose guards, forestry equip­ment and boating acces­sories is a good example of a success story. She has advanced in her career through various stages and become the CEO of the company. Her inter­na­tional exper­tise has been useful for the local busi­ness life and also enabled the target-oriented contin­u­a­tion of busi­ness oper­a­tions in Ilomantsi after the change of owner­ship in the family company.

The tech­ni­cal sector is not typical of a young woman, but Suvi Hassi­nen has boldly and proudly taken the lead in the family company, believed in her own skills, and brought it posi­tively up on various occa­sions. She is also an active actor as she is in charge of inter­na­tional affairs and educa­tion in the Board of Joensuu Junior Chamber of Commerce, and acts as a junior member of the local commit­tee of Ilomantsi of the North Karelia Chamber of Commerce.

The alumnus of the year was now selected for the second time at Karelia UAS. The word alumnus (plural alumni) refers to all students grad­u­ated from Karelia UAS and the previ­ous North Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences/North Karelia Poly­tech­nic as well as our inter­na­tional exchange students. The aim of alumni activ­i­ties is to promote the connec­tion between Karelia UAS and working life and to support the emer­gence of coop­er­a­tion between students and local busi­nesses. Karelia UAS alumni can, for example, work as expert lectur­ers in study units, invite student groups for study excur­sions at their work­places, provide students with intern­ships, projects and thesis topics, and act as mentors prepar­ing students for working life.

vuoden alumni