Entre­pre­neur­ship RDI activ­i­ties and internationality 

Karelia UAS has a long history in the research and devel­op­ment of entre­pre­neur­ship. Here are some exam­ples of devel­op­ment projects and other mate­ri­als regard­ing entrepreneurship.

Entre­pre­neur­ship projects 

Here are some exam­ples of signif­i­cant entre­pre­neur­ship-related projects carried out by Karelia UAS: 

Entre­pre­neur­ship publi­ca­tions 

The experts and students of Karelia UAS produce hundreds of publi­ca­tions each year. These publi­ca­tions also include a signif­i­cant number of publi­ca­tions related to entre­pre­neur­ship. Arti­cles on entre­pre­neur­ship have been gath­ered here: 

Entre­pre­neur­ship and inter­na­tion­al­ity  

Entre­pre­neur­ship is more global than ever. Students are provided with inter­na­tional exchange programmes of differ­ent lengths that enable the devel­op­ment of their own entre­pre­neur­ial skills. In addi­tion, Karelia UAS devel­ops and creates new inter­na­tional, entre­pre­neur­ial compe­tence in the region together with its inter­na­tional partners. 

Here are some exam­ples of inter­na­tional entre­pre­neur­ship activities: 

Busi­ness Academy is part of an inter­na­tional network of entre­pre­neur­ship programmes that utilise team peda­gogy. Students at the Academy can include an inter­na­tional exchange period at a partner academy in e.g the Czech Repub­lic in their studies. https://y-akatemia.fi/ 

The INVEST Alliance is a form of close coop­er­a­tion between Karelia UAS and four other Euro­pean higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions, with entre­pre­neur­ship as one of their key focus areas. The INVEST Alliance orga­nizes e.g. an inter­na­tional busi­ness idea compe­ti­tion and offers an inter­na­tional study package on entre­pre­neur­ship. https://www.invest-alliance.eu/fi 

Instruc­tions for inven­tions for Karelia UAS staff 

Inven­tions by Karelia UAS staff members that may be patented and commer­cialised are processed in a manner required by Act on the Right in Inven­tions made at Higher Educa­tion Institutions. 

As an employee at a Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, you are obliged to draw up an inven­tion notice for the inven­tions made. Making an inven­tion notice launches a process that deter­mines, among other things, the protec­tion of the inven­tion and its owner­ship. If the inven­tion notice is accepted, you are enti­tled to the inven­tion disclo­sure fee. Simi­larly, a reward is paid for a patented invention. 

Instruc­tions are avail­able at Karelia intranet.

Entre­pre­neur­ship for the staff of Karelia UAS 

The teach­ing staff of Karelia UAS consists of multi­dis­ci­pli­nary experts and special­ists. One good way of updat­ing and devel­op­ing one’s own compe­tence is subsidiary/­part-time entre­pre­neur­ship. The teach­ing staff of Karelia UAS has the oppor­tu­nity to be part-time entrepreneurs. 

Subsidiary/­part-time entre­pre­neur­ship can mean working as a private entre­pre­neur or as the owner of a company. You are allowed to conduct busi­ness and you have the right to set up a company. However, part-time entre­pre­neurs are required to have a license for subsidiary/­part-time entre­pre­neur­ship and they need to give a report of entre­pre­neur­ship during the employ­ment relationship.