Entre­pre­neur­ship support services and other activities 

Karelia UAS offers, together with its part­ners, a wide range of entre­pre­neur­ship support services, events and other activ­i­ties for students, staff, and alumni. We can also give you instruc­tions for using various publicly avail­able busi­ness services, if necessary. 

Draft Program® for entre­pre­neur­ship 

The Draft programme for entre­pre­neur­ship provides you with the oppor­tu­nity to get funding and entre­pre­neur­ship coach­ing that help you make your entre­pre­neur­ial dreams come true and develop as a launcher of success­ful prod­ucts. The funding for the first phase is EUR 1000, and EUR 3000 for the second phase. 

The Draft Program® is intended for the students, staff and alumni of Karelia UAS, Riveria, Savo voca­tional school, Savonia UAS, and UEF. 

Apply­ing for the program is easy! See appli­ca­tion instruc­tions and check the dead­line for the follow­ing appli­ca­tion period at: https://draftprogram.com/

INVEST Entre­pre­neur­ship Program 

The Invest Entre­pre­neur­ship Program is an inter­na­tional entre­pre­neur­ship program imple­mented by Karelia UAS together with four other Euro­pean partner insti­tu­tions of higher educa­tion in the INVEST alliance. 

The program offers encour­age­ment and small-scale finan­cial support in exchange for the sharing of expe­ri­ences of the teams selected for the program in form of e.g. blog posts. You can apply for the program if you are a Karelia UAS student, staff member, or alumnus. 

Read more about the program: https://www.invest-alliance.eu/en/Home/NewsInfo?link=32-apply-to-invest-entrepreneurship-program 

POLKU Entre­pre­neur­ship Event 

POLKU is the largest and most diverse entre­pre­neur­ship event in North Karelia. The event brings together all entre­pre­neur­ial-minded people, regard­less of age and field, to hear top speak­ers, attend lectures and work­shops, and to network. 

POLKU entre­pre­neur­ship event will defin­i­tively provide you with some­thing inter­est­ing and the event is free of charge for students. The event inspires, opens new doors to the world of busi­ness, and gives the partic­i­pants a wide range of oppor­tu­ni­ties for personal growth. 

The Univer­sity of Eastern Finland organ­ises a course Yrittäjyysviikko/Entrepreneurship Week (2 ECTS), which you can complete by partic­i­pat­ing in the activ­i­ties of the POLKU event and by conduct­ing a related learn­ing assign­ment. The course is avail­able for UEF students and Karelia UAS students. 

Read more at https://polku.es/

Start Me Up Busi­ness Idea Compe­ti­tion 

SMU is a busi­ness idea compe­ti­tion organ­ised annu­ally by Busi­ness Joensuu, with a total value of several tens of thou­sands of euros. Karelia UAS is a long-term partner of the busi­ness idea compe­ti­tion, and one of the main spon­sors of the student series in the competition. 

Read more at: https://www.businessjoensuu.fi/startmeup/ 

Public busi­ness consult­ing and finan­cial services

More infor­ma­tion on company finance: