On-the-job train­ing

Intern­ship periods are one of our most impor­tant prac­tices with working life. During the intern­ship, our students get to use what they have learned in prac­ti­cal work and show their own skills. The tasks included in the intern­ship are agreed together so that they serve the employer’s needs and at the same time meet the require­ments of the train­ing and the student’s own goals. If your company has inter­na­tional oper­a­tions, it is possi­ble to get interns abroad as well or to utilize the skills of inter­na­tional students study­ing in Finland. Often, students also do their thesis for the same orga­ni­za­tion after their internship.

Recruit an intern and get:

  • fresh perspec­tives and enthu­si­asm for learn­ing in your organization
  • the oppor­tu­nity to get to know new indus­try experts and poten­tial employees
  • an idea of ​​the student’s abil­i­ties and possi­bly a new employee who has already been intro­duced to the job
  • the oppor­tu­nity to high­light your orga­ni­za­tion and create a posi­tive employer image

Dura­tion and date:

It usually takes 3-5 months depend­ing on the field. Intern­ships can be offered all year round. The place­ment of the intern­ship period in the studies depends on the field of study. In some fields, every year of study includes an intern­ship, while in some fields there is only one intern­ship period and it is mainly placed in the final phase of the studies.

What is required of the recruiter?

Work space and neces­sary equip­ment for the intern. The amount of work required for orien­ta­tion and guid­ance. The student’s possi­ble salary.

Train­ing progress:

1. Define for which tasks you need an intern and which field of exper­tise fits the job description

2. Report the loca­tion: palvelut[at]karelia.fi

3. An intern is found and a contract is made

  • employer, student and Karelia-amk
  • a repre­sen­ta­tive of the employer who guides the student in the intern­ship is agreed upon

4. Moni­tor­ing the progress of training

  • super­vi­sion discus­sion between the student, the employer’s repre­sen­ta­tive and the supervisor
  • the student takes care of commu­ni­ca­tion with the super­vis­ing teacher

5. Eval­u­a­tion

  • is carried out in coop­er­a­tion between the student, the work­place intern­ship super­vi­sor and the super­vis­ing teacher

6. Elec­tronic working life feed­back survey for the work­place representative