Digi­men­tor and Digi­men­tor­ing at Karelia UAS

Digital devel­op­ment has been rapid in the field of educa­tion. Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences has actively imple­mented digital and digiped­a­gog­i­cal devel­op­ment since the early 2000s. As part of the digital devel­op­ment strat­egy, the first digi­men­tors in Karelia UAS started in 2018. The aim of the digi­men­tors as part of the strat­egy is to support the devel­op­ment of the digiped­a­gog­i­cal compe­tence of the Karelia UAS educa­tional staff.

This article discusses the concepts of digi­men­tor and digi­men­tor­ing, possi­bil­i­ties of combin­ing peda­gogy and learn­ing tech­nol­ogy in the future, the devel­op­ment of new learn­ing envi­ron­ments and learn­ing tech­nolo­gies in Karelia UAS, and the role of Karelia’s digital mentors in future developments.

What is a digi­men­tor and digi­men­tor­ing at Karelia UAS?

Digital peda­gogy is the appli­ca­tion of tech­nol­ogy to support learn­ing. Digital peda­gogy always focuses on learn­ing, peda­gog­i­cal manu­scripts, and a step-by-step approach to the learn­ing process (Virta­nen 2020.) In several educa­tional orga­ni­za­tions, the use of tech­nolo­gies in learn­ing design and processes has been addressed by devel­op­ing digital mentor­ing activ­i­ties. Digi­men­tors are experts in the peda­gog­i­cal use of tech­nolo­gies (Hytti­nen 2022a).

The Digi­men­tor at Karelia UAS is an expert who supports teach­ers in brain­storm­ing, plan­ning, design­ing, testing, imple­ment­ing, and devel­op­ing e-learn­ing processes. Digi­men­tors provide support accord­ing to the teacher’s indi­vid­ual needs. Digi­men­tor­ing may involve e-learn­ing processes as a whole, such as struc­tur­ing peda­gog­i­cal manu­scripts and build­ing the e-learn­ing envi­ron­ment, or more specif­i­cally for indi­vid­ual digiped­a­gog­i­cal needs. These needs may include the ideation, plan­ning, testing, imple­men­ta­tion and further devel­op­ment of the course struc­ture and content or methods and tools used in content creation or learn­ing tasks in the e-learn­ing envi­ron­ment. Digi­men­tors have a front seat to teacher-driven needs. This allows them to use and trans­fer the ideas, knowl­edge, infor­ma­tion and train­ing needs between educa­tional staff and orga­ni­za­tion (Puusti­nen & Korho­nen 2021).

Digi­men­tors work as digi­men­tors one day per week along­side their regular jobs. Teach­ers can contact the digi­men­tors any time accord­ing to their needs and sched­ule a meeting with digi­men­tor by booking a meeting in their calen­dar. Meet­ings are mostly conducted remotely in Teams. The key to this approach is that the thresh­old for contact is as low as possi­ble. All digi­men­tors are teach­ers them­selves with long and solid prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence of teach­ing in higher educa­tion, which makes them experts in the teach­ing profes­sion in addi­tion to digiped­a­gog­i­cal exper­tise. Digi­men­tors at Karelia UAS (in 2022-2023) are lecturer Sini Puusti­nen (Tikkarinne campus) and lectur­ers Mikko Hytti­nen and Esko Tiainen (Wärt­silä campus). The digi­men­tor activ­i­ties are coor­di­nated by Karelia’s Student Affairs Services and the coor­di­na­tors are instruc­tional tech­nol­ogy special­ist Minna Rokkila and blended learn­ing peda­gogy plan­ning officer Antti Kauppila.

New learn­ing envi­ron­ments and learn­ing tech­nolo­gies are devel­op­ing Karelia UAS

New learn­ing envi­ron­ments have been built on both Karelia UAS campuses (Tikkarinne and Wärt­silä) through the Future Work project in 2022-2023 and new tech­nol­ogy has been acquired for teach­ers to use to support student learn­ing. At the envi­ron­ments teach­ers can work and imple­ment new learn­ing tech­nolo­gies together as a working commu­nity or with digimentors.

One example of the new learn­ing envi­ron­ment is the Canvas space in the Tikkarinne campus, the only one of its kind in Finland (in 2022). The room has three screens for working with Canvas. This allows all partic­i­pants to produce and edit common content. This enables effec­tive collab­o­ra­tion, team­work and project plan­ning. In addi­tion to Karelia’s teach­ers, students can also use the facilities. 

Tikkarinne and Wärt­silä also have MLC (Multi­Lo­ca­tion Class­room) facil­i­ties that teach­ers can use for inter-campus collab­o­ra­tion. In these MLC class­rooms, teach­ers can also teach online or hybrid classes and make use of the full-wall display in the room. Digi­men­tors assist in the intro­duc­tion of these new envi­ron­ments, and the use of the tech­nolo­gies they include. All teach­ers have differ­ent tech­no­log­i­cal skills and using the tech­nol­ogy can be an extra headache or even intim­i­dat­ing for some teach­ers. In many cases, digi­men­tors are also involved in teach­ers’ first exper­i­ments with new envi­ron­ments, so they know that support is imme­di­ately avail­able if some­thing unex­pected happens. This promotes the uptake of new tech­nolo­gies in teach­ing and reduces the cogni­tive load expe­ri­enced by teach­ers in combin­ing peda­gogy and technology.

Classroom with students and teachers. Screen with the photos of students who are participating online.
Picture 1. Teach­ers of busi­ness econom­ics using the MCL class­room for hybrid teach­ing (Photo: Mikko Hyttinen).

New learn­ing tech­nol­ogy tools have been acquired, for example, to produce podcasts. Podcasts can be used in a wide and varied range of teach­ing activ­i­ties (Hytti­nen 2022b). Train­ing sessions on the use of podcast equip­ment have been imple­mented for teach­ers and teach­ers have been actively using these podcast tech­nolo­gies in their teach­ing. Teach­ers can use the podcast­ing equip­ment inde­pen­dently or with a digi­men­tor. The podcast equip­ment has been purchased for both campuses and is perma­nently installed in one class­room. In addi­tion, portable podcast devices have been purchased, which are easy to take with you wher­ever you like to record a podcast. These podcast class­rooms and portable devices can also be used by students for their learn­ing projects.

Students sitting around a table with recording equipment
Picture 2. Busi­ness students using portable podcast tech­nolo­gies for course work (Photo: Mikko Hyttinen).
Classroom with two screens. Woman with a helmet.
Picture 3. Digi­men­tor Sini Puusti­nen using AR tech­nol­ogy inte­grated helmet (Photo: Mikko Hyttinen).

Digi­men­tors in Karelia – Strong peda­gog­i­cal skills and prac­ti­cal experience 

The main task of the digi­men­tors is to support and help teach­ers with the digital peda­gog­i­cal issues and chal­lenges they face. Teach­ers’ ques­tions and chal­lenges are usually very concrete, but some­times they require the digi­men­tors to learn and relearn some­thing new. Teach­ers’ needs vary greatly depend­ing on their field of teach­ing and their level of digital compe­tence. For example, they may have ques­tions about the e-learn­ing envi­ron­ment or the use of new learn­ing envi­ron­ments and learn­ing tech­nolo­gies in teach­ing. The role of a digi­men­tor is there­fore one of contin­u­ous compe­tence devel­op­ment and the main­te­nance of tech­nolo­gies that support student learning. 

Digi­men­tors’ view of the core of digi­men­tor­ing is that the purpose of tech­nol­ogy is always and primar­ily to support students’ learn­ing and compe­tence devel­op­ment. In prac­tice, this means that, at its best, learn­ing tech­nol­ogy can increase student engage­ment, moti­va­tion, mean­ing­ful­ness, variety and diver­sity of learn­ing.  Peda­gog­i­cal insight into when and how to use differ­ent learn­ing tech­nolo­gies is a strength of digi­men­tors. They also see the added value of learn­ing tech­nolo­gies in strength­en­ing students’ tech­no­log­i­cal skills for future jobs.


Hytti­nen, M. 2022a. Digi­men­tori auttaa opet­ta­jia teknolo­gia­haasteissa. Skoot­teri 1/2022.   

Hytti­nen, M. 2022b. Poda­cast peda­gogi­ikalla monipuolisu­utta ja vaihtelua opetuk­seen. https://tulevaisuudentyo.karelia.fi/2022/03/podcast-pedagogiikalla-monipuolisuutta-ja-vaihtelua-opetukseen-ja-oppimiseen/. 5.5.2023.   

Puusti­nen, S. & Hytti­nen, M. 2022. Kare­lian digi­men­torit tukevat peda­gogi­ikan ja opetuste­knolo­gian yhdis­tämisessä. Pulssi-portaali. https://www.karelia.fi/2022/05/karelian-digimentorit-tukevat-pedagogiikan-ja-opetusteknologian-yhdistamisessa/. 5.5.2023.

Puusti­nen, S. & Korho­nen, M. 2021. Digi­men­toroin­tia Kare­liassa. VASU. Karelia-ammat­tiko­rkeak­oulun verkko­julka­isu 2/2021. https://vasu.karelia.fi/2021/04/12/digimentorointia-kareliassa/. 5.5.2023.   

Virta­nen, M. 2020. Verkko-opetuk­sen laatukri­teerit digiped­a­gogisen osaamisen kehit­tämisessä. Teok­sessa: Kosk­i­nen, M.I., Naka­mura, R., Yli-Knuu­tila, H. & Tyrväi­nen, P. (toim.) Kohti oppimisen ekosys­teemiä. Jyväskylän ammat­tiko­rkeak­oulu, Jyväskylä, 56-59. https://indd.adobe.com/view/137919a6-4ad3-4f44-afaa-1732c507c1db. 5.5.2023.   

Cover photo by rawpixel.com on Freepik


Sini Puusti­nen, Senior lecturer, Digi­men­tor, Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences

Mikko Hytti­nen, Lecturer, Digi­men­tor, Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences