Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences awarded the best theses of 2022

Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences awarded  the best theses of 2022.  Henna Kiiskinen’s  Master’s Degree Programme in Busi­ness Manage­ment and Lead­er­ship thesis Asiakkaiden näköi­nen kirjasto: Palvelu­muo­toilulla kohti uudis­tu­vaa lähikir­jas­toa (Customer-looking library: Towards a renew­ing local library) was selected as the best thesis  for the Master’s  degree programme. The thesis was commis­sioned by Joensuu Regional Library.

Joonas Jutila’s Degree Programme in Media thesis Media Deep­fake-ilmiön käsit­telem­i­nen medi­akas­va­tusvide­olla (Deep­fake phenom­e­non in a media educa­tion video) was chosen as the best thesis  for the bachelor’s degree.  The thesis was commis­sioned by the National Audio­vi­sual Insti­tute (KAVI).

Henna Kiiskinen’s thesis, which utilizes the tools of service design in a versa­tile way, focused on the Joensuu Rantakylä library. She compiled her customer data from differ­ent user groups through inter­views, surveys and various work­shops. It is partic­u­larly inter­est­ing that kinder­garten-aged chil­dren were able to use draw­ings to show what their dream library would be like. School-age young people, for example, were also able to tell what they expect from library services.

  • In my thesis, I was able to combine my own library exper­tise with what I had learned during my master’s degree programme. With the help of the service design process, library users were placed at the centre of service devel­op­ment, where they belong. A library that looks like customers is the customers’ own space, and services are tailored for the library’s main user groups, Henna Kiisk­i­nen sums up.
  • Service design is at the core of library devel­op­ment: the work is done together with and for customers. Henna Kiiskinen’s thesis showed in concrete terms the arc of service design work in an exten­sive devel­op­ment entity and taught the work commu­nity a lot. The fruits of the plan­ning will be seen in the renewed Rantakylä library, comments Suvi Pirnes-Toiva­nen, Direc­tor of Library Services at Joensuu Regional Library.

Jutila’s thesis combines an oper­a­tional and a research perspec­tive to create a media educa­tion video on deep­fake videos for KAVI’s national needs. After complet­ing the thesis, the topi­cal­ity of the topic has only increased as content produced by arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence appli­ca­tions has become more common very quickly. These contents chal­lenge the media crit­i­cism of recip­i­ents in completely new ways. Jutila’s thesis contains well-founded views and tools for dealing with them.

  • The video has been very well received and there has clearly been a need for it. So far, it has attracted over 900 views, which indi­cates not only the topi­cal­ity of the topic, but also that the video has been perceived as a useful tool in media educa­tion and a success­ful mate­r­ial, says Sari Murto­nen, Project Special­ist at KAVI.

The selec­tion of the year’s theses  was made by the thesis commit­tee of Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences.

Henna Kiisk­i­nen: Asiakkaiden näköi­nen kirjasto: Palvelu­muo­toilulla kohti uudis­tu­vaa lähikir­jas­toa.

Joonas Jutila: Deep­fake-ilmiön käsit­telem­i­nen mediakasvatusvideolla