Results of the library commu­ni­ca­tion survey

The survey on the library’s commu­ni­ca­tion and the usabil­ity of the Karelia-Finna, which was renewed in March, was open from 4 to 30 April and the link to the survey was avail­able in the Karelia-Finna, in the intranet/Pakki and in the library’s April newslet­ter. We received a total of 22 responses, thank you to every­one who responded! 3 small product prizes were drawn among those who left their contact details and the winners of the draw have been informed personally.

Accord­ing to the results of the survey, the most followed library commu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels were the library’s newslet­ter, Karelia-Finna, student/staff intra and Tuudo. Gener­ally the respon­dents were satis­fied with these chan­nels, while the major­ity of respon­dents did not want to follow the library’s infor­ma­tion through any other channel. InfoTV and e-mail were mentioned a few times as new commu­ni­ca­tion channels.

The renewed Karelia-Finna was posi­tively received. The layout of Karelia-Finna was consid­ered clear by 81.8%, easy to use by 77.3% and easy to find (fully agree or some­what agree) by 72.7%. 77.2% felt that the library’s current affairs were clearly displayed, while opening hours were clearly displayed by 81.8%. 63.6% felt that the Karelia-Finna library’s current affairs were inter­est­ing (strongly agree or some­what agree).

77% of respon­dents thought that the library provides suffi­cient infor­ma­tion on infor­ma­tion acqui­si­tion teaching/guidance and in the open feed­back, good infor­ma­tion acqui­si­tion guid­ance was specif­i­cally praised. The library’s facil­i­ties were pointed out such as the silent study room, and it has been nice to see that this spring the room has been put to good use. In the open responses, it was also pointed out that better infor­ma­tion and guid­ance on the library during the early stages of studies would be useful. Library infor­ma­tion is provided to all new students at the begin­ning of the acad­e­mic year, and over the last few years we have made efforts to ensure that the library’s teach­ing and guid­ance is avail­able evenly to all groups at differ­ent stages of their studies.

We are constantly improv­ing library services and commu­ni­ca­tion and welcome feed­back also outside the surveys. Thank you again to all those who responded to the survey.