Uzbek­istan univer­sity dele­ga­tion visits Karelia UAS

On Tuesday 2nd of May 2023 Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences was proud to host a dele­ga­tion of 26 Uzbek Deans and Vice Deans and discuss good prac­tices and strate­gic collab­o­ra­tion in higher educa­tion.

The dele­gates repre­sent more than ten Uzbek HEIs and come from various fields of exper­tise. The visit was orga­nized by Karelia’s strate­gic partner Nordic Inter­na­tional Univer­sity, and aimed for reshap­ing Uzbek higher educa­tion and deep­en­ing co-oper­a­tion between Finnish and Uzbek HEIs.

At Karelia, the dele­ga­tion gained insights into joint programme devel­op­ment proce­dures, modern and inno­v­a­tive learn­ing envi­ron­ments and facil­i­ties, simu­la­tion peda­gogy, future learn­ing scenar­ios and part­ner­ship development.

A short video of the visit: