Karelia UAS hosted the event “INVEST -Educa­tion and Skills for a Sustain­able Future” on 19-20 September

Karelia UAS hosted the event “INVEST – Educa­tion and Skills for a Sustain­able Future” on 19-20 Septem­ber 2023 at the Wärt­silä and Tikkarinne campuses. The event was targeted to all Karelia staff members and INVEST partners. 

The INVEST event was opened by Pekka Auvinen, Vice Rector of the Karelia UAS’s, and Lucia Palšová, INVEST Alliance Coor­di­na­tor, from the Slovak Univer­sity of Agri­cul­ture in Nitra. 

The two-day programme started with a seminar present­ing the achieve­ments of the INVEST, with a partic­u­lar empha­sis on the oppor­tu­ni­ties it offers to students and staff of the INVEST partner univer­si­ties. The seminar concluded with a panel discus­sion focus­ing on the impact of Euro­pean Univer­sity Alliances. The discus­sion included INVEST repre­sen­ta­tives as well as panelists from the Finnish National Agency for Educa­tion and from the YUFE and EU4DUAL alliances. 

On the second day of the event, part­ners partic­i­pated in work­shops discussing the insti­tu­tion­al­iza­tion of the results at partner univer­si­ties and reflect­ing on the role of INVEST as a strate­gic educa­tional alliance. 

INVEST alliance is funded by the Erasmus+ Euro­pean Univer­si­ties programme to co-create higher educa­tion and joint research miti­gat­ing climate change and contribut­ing to Euro­pean and global chal­lenges. INVEST upgrades and re-shapes the skills of students and staff to work for a more sustain­able future. 

Current INVEST part­ners are:
Slovak Univer­sity of Agri­cul­ture in Nitra – Slovak (coor­di­na­tor)
Univer­sity of Agribusi­ness and Rural Devel­op­ment – Bulgaria
Univer­sity of Thes­saly – Greece
Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences – Finland
Van Hall Laren­stein Univer­sity of Applied Sciences – the Nether­lands

Read more on the INVEST website

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