Category: Internationalisation

  • INVEST Euro­pean Univer­sity – why it is needed and what it is all about?

    Erasmus+ Euro­pean Univer­si­ties is a flag­ship programme devel­op­ing higher educa­tion in a more ambi­tious and holis­tic manner than ever seen before. The programme sets goals high: the alliances are expected to reshape the higher educa­tion programmes to meet the ideal of the Euro­pean degree, create a completely new kind of phys­i­cal and virtual inter-Euro­pean campus…

  • INVEST4EXCELLENCE builds human capac­ity for more sustain­able supply chains

    Holis­tic inter­na­tion­al­i­sa­tion and the promo­tion of sustain­able devel­op­ment in all our actions are among the key strate­gic aims of Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. This devel­op­ment work is in turn supported by the three-year Hori­zon2020-funded project INVEST4EXCELLENCE. The project is elab­o­rated by the INVEST Euro­pean Univer­sity, which is an educa­tional and research commu­nity of five…

  • 30 Years of Nord­plus Cooperation

    Nordic coop­er­a­tion at Karelia has its roots in the 1990s. Financed by the Nordic Council, the Nord­plus programme has provided funding for student and teacher mobil­ity, devel­op­ment programmes and short inten­sive courses. The first Nord­plus networks at Karelia were founded in health care. Over 30 years of coop­er­a­tion, the number of partner univer­si­ties has varied…

  • The ENDURANCE project – How to harness sport skills in entrepreneurship

    The inter­na­tional ENDURANCE project has mapped the links between sport and entre­pre­neur­ship and has devel­oped new inno­v­a­tive educa­tional solu­tions. Online train­ing mate­r­ial was devel­oped in the project to improve and promote entre­pre­neur­ship educa­tion and voca­tional train­ing in the voca­tional educa­tion and train­ing ecosystem. The ENDURANCE project had eight part­ners from seven coun­tries. It consisted of…

  • Research through Intern­ship Activ­i­ties in the SBTCP project – A Student’s Perspective

    The ”Sustain­able Build­ing Tech­nolo­gies- Commu­nity of Prac­tice” (SBTCP) project by Karelia UAS in collab­o­ra­tion with Salzburg UAS and Jade UAS has been playing an eminent role in bring­ing inter­na­tional students from cross-border coun­tries together. As a signif­i­cant part of this inter­na­tional collab­o­ra­tion, SBTCP project is hosting the intern­ship activ­i­ties of an inter­na­tional bach­e­lor student Dominik…

  • Histor­i­cal Silk Roads to Uzbek­istan and Paths to Excel­lence at Karelia UAS

    This is the story of five young coura­geous Uzbek students who decided to come to Karelia UAS, Finland, to study during the Covid pandemic. Despite diffi­cul­ties, they finally succeed in adapt­ing to Karelia UAS and to the Finnish society. This article hope­fully inspires young people to seek their life excel­lences in Finland and at Karelia…

  • Disrup­tive Tech­nolo­gies in the Public Sector

    A partner in both the TG4Np and Improve Projects from ERNACT Ireland contacted us at the end of the 2014-2020 NPA funding period. Tradi­tion­ally, at the end of the funding period, extra money is distrib­uted, and now the oppor­tu­nity had come to get a research project funded about advanced technologies. The reasons for co-oper­a­tion were…

  • Inter­na­tional Dele­ga­tion Visits at Busi­ness Academy

    Inter­na­tion­al­ity is a key pilar of Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, as well as Karelia UAS’s Busi­ness Academy. (Link to website). As part of the Busi­ness Academy’s inter­na­tion­al­ity agenda, the academy hosts guests from all around the world and share exper­tise and know-how. During the 2021-2022 acad­e­mic year, the academy had the plea­sure of hosting…