Entre­pre­neur­ship and Inno­va­tion for train­ers and teachers

Design and launch an entre­pre­neur­ship program in your home univer­sity of city!

Draft Program® – Entre­pre­neur­ship program design and oper­a­tion in small cities and univer­sity towns

Online, Dura­tion 6-week time period, 4 hours per week


Design and launch an entre­pre­neur­ship program in your home univer­sity of city! You can work as an entre­pre­neur­ship coach for nascent entre­pre­neurs in your area.


• Lecture 1. Draft Program® model for busi­ness incu­ba­tion and regional development

• Lecture 2. Orga­niz­ing and open call, selec­tion process and program promotion

• Lecture 3. Busi­ness devel­op­ment strate­gies and tools in prac­ti­cal busi­ness coach­ing work with startups

• Lecture 4. Coach­ing process and coach­ing sessions

• Lecture 5. Orga­niz­ing finan­cial support

• Lecture 6. Recruit­ment of local experts in to the busi­ness coach­ing process.

• Lecture 7. Writing effec­tive “How to” publi­ca­tions that catalyze change regionally

• Lecture 8. Using the program to stim­u­late busi­ness activ­ity in specific themes and topics.

Target audi­ence

For busi­ness: Experts in city gover­nance or in orga­ni­za­tions support­ing busi­ness devel­op­ment and local economy.

For educa­tion: Profes­sion­als working in higher education

Inter­ested? Contact for more info

Kha Trinh (Katri) Truong

Global Educa­tion Officer

+358 504730750 (What­sApps, Viber, Zalo, Skype)

[email protected]
