Life Cycle Analy­sis of Energy system

Scope 5 ECTS (1 ECTS=27 hours)


Analyse life-cycle envi­ron­men­tal impacts of commu­nity-based energy systems and commu­ni­cate the results to stake­hold­ers at an appro­pri­ate level! You can also master:

  • Key concepts of life cycle manage­ment and life cycle analyses
  • Differ­ent types of renew­able energy systems and how they are applied at commu­nity level
  • Stan­dards guiding life cycle analyses
  • Imple­men­ta­tion of life-cycle inven­tory data collec­tion, life cycle impact assess­ment, and result interpretation


– Back­ground knowl­edge on life cycle manage­ment and analyses

– Knowl­edge of stan­dards and profes­sional routines used in conduct­ing life cycle analyses

– Creat­ing a life-cycle model of a commu­nity renew­able energy system

– Analysing and commu­ni­cat­ing the envi­ron­men­tal impacts of commu­nity energy transition

Target audi­ence

– For Busi­ness: Experts working in rele­vant fields

– For Educa­tion: Leaders, experts at all levels, 3rd or 4th year students of the associated/applicable involved degree programs

Avail­abil­ity Septem­ber-Decem­ber and upon request yearly


Prin­ci­pal Lecturer Lasse Okkonen

([email protected])

Senior Lecturer Kaija Saramäki

([email protected]

Inter­ested? Contact for more info

Kha Trinh (Katri) Truong
Global Educa­tion Officer
+358 504730750 (What­sApps, Viber, Zalo, Skype)
[email protected]