Sustain­abil­ity Management

As Master of Engi­neer­ing in Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment you will lead and support the deploy­ment of sustain­able tech­nolo­gies and organ­i­sa­tional change processes for organ­i­sa­tions. You create and main­tain networks for organ­i­sa­tional collab­o­ra­tion for envi­ron­men­tally and socially respon­si­ble busi­nesses.

Degree Master of Engi­neer­ing (Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment), Insinööri (ylempi AMK)
Extent and dura­tion: 60 credits ECTS | 2 years
Loca­tion: Online
Study places in Joint Appli­ca­tion: 40
Language of tuition: English

Appli­ca­tion period: 3 – 17 January 2024
Student selec­tion method: Pre-assign­ment and inter­view

Lead sustain­abil­ity tran­si­tion in business

Degree Programme in Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment provides you with exper­tise required to meet the corpo­rate sustain­abil­ity chal­lenges and require­ments. You will gain compen­tence in finding sustain­able solu­tions, enhanc­ing process and product sustain­abil­ity, and leading the sustain­abil­ity efforts of your company. 

You will learn to lead complex devel­op­ment processes and conduct corpo­rate sustain­abil­ity report­ing. This includes how to esti­mate and reduce carbon foot­print, adapt busi­ness prac­tices to chang­ing climate, and assess risks and oppor­tu­ni­ties related to climate change. 

You will study online: During your studies you will network with inter­na­tional students and compa­nies in case studies and thesis work. You will create networks and part­ner­ships among SME’s. The core strength of study­ing for profes­sional master’s degree is that you can connect all your study projects in your own work and profes­sional development. 

To study profes­sional master’s degree you need a bachelor’s degree in rele­vant field (engi­neer­ing, natural resources, natural sciences) and minimum of two years of profes­sional expe­ri­ence in working life.

sustainability manager working

Career oppor­tu­ni­ties

As a sustain­abil­ity manage­ment profes­sional you will be in charge of corpo­rate sustain­abil­ity and promote new prac­tices both within and between orga­ni­za­tions. Espe­cially, small and medium size busi­nesses will be in need of your exper­tise. You may work as

  • Sustain­abil­ity Manager
  • Corpo­rate Social Respon­si­bil­ity (CSR) Manager
  • Supply-Chain Manager
  • Energy Service Manager
  • Envi­ron­men­tal Manager
  • Climate Special­ist
  • Sustain­abil­ity Consultant
  • Sustain­abil­ity Lecturer (if peda­gog­i­cal background)
  • Research, Devel­op­ment and Inno­va­tion Specialist
  • Devel­op­ment Manager

Watch the video and learn more