Courses for Exchange Students

Courses suit­able for exchange students

Please click the link above for the list of courses in English during the acad­e­mic year 2024-2025.
Addi­tions, updates and changes are possi­ble.

Select courses worth minimum of 20 ECTS credits per semes­ter. The course “Orien­ta­tion to Finnish language and Culture” (KP10020, 2 ECTS) is designed espe­cially for exchange students, so we recom­mend you to include it in your learn­ing agreement.

Karelia has three Bachelor’s Degree Programmes that are instructed fully in English: Inter­na­tional Busi­ness, Indus­trial Manage­ment, and Infor­ma­tion and Commu­ni­ca­tion Tech­nol­ogy (new; 1st and 2nd year courses avail­able in 2024-2025). Most of the courses in these programmes are avail­able for exchange students.

In addi­tion, Karelia offers two 60 ECTS “special­iza­tions” suit­able for 3rd or 4th-year Bach­e­lor-level students who have rele­vant back­ground studies (e.g. engi­neer­ing, busi­ness, manage­ment, forestry, envi­ron­men­tal sciences). It is also possi­ble to complete only the Autumn semes­ter modules (30 ECTS) of the special­iza­tions. The studies are orga­nized jointly by Karelia and other part­ners in INVEST Euro­pean Univer­sity Alliance:

Most of the other Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at Karelia also offer courses and some­times projects or prac­ti­cal train­ing possi­bil­i­ties for exchange students. Joint and trans­dis­ci­pli­nary courses are suit­able for all exchange students.

  • Please note that possi­bil­i­ties for super­vised projects and prac­ti­cal train­ing are limited and not guar­an­teed to all inter­ested applicants.
  • Most degree programs can accept only exchange students who are enrolled in a similar major at their own univer­sity.

The depart­men­tal inter­na­tional coor­di­na­tors can be contacted with ques­tions related to studies, projects and prac­ti­cal training.

Semes­ter dates for exchange students

  • Acad­e­mic year 2023-2024: Autumn semes­ter: 17.8. – 15.12.2023, Spring semes­ter: 8.1. – 2.6.2024
  • Acad­e­mic year 2024-2025: Autumn semes­ter 15.8. – 20.12.2024, Spring semes­ter 7.1. – 30.5.2025

-> How to Apply

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