Karelia UAS awarded students and employees

Karelia UAS awarded the student and student group of the year as well as the employee of the year, team of the year and a pair of employ­ees with certifi­cates of honour and gift tokens at the opening cere­mony of Karelia UAS acad­e­mic year 2020-2021.

Student Union POKA has chosen Anssi Kirki­nen from the degree programme of music as The Student of the Year. Anssi grad­u­ated in June 2020 with very good grades. Anssi’s produc­tions through­out his studies have been good quality. Anssi’s thesis is inter­dis­ci­pli­nary and useful also in educa­tion of physiotherapy.

Student Union POKA has chosen STHAK20 as the Student Group of the Year. Atmos­phere of the group is equal and support­ive. Even though the group studies mainly remotely they have succeeded to create a good team spirit. The group has proceeded well in studies and the group members have supported each other in the chal­lenges of their studies. The group studies together online and group members help each other for example if someone doesn’t pass the exam. The group is moti­vated to learn and to grad­u­ate as a nurse. Every­one can feel them­selves accepted and heard as just the way they are.

Senior Advisor Mervi Lätti was awarded as the employee of the year. Accord­ing to the reasons, Mervi is a hard­work­ing and an unselfish employee who collab­o­rates with Karelia UAS employ­ees and the differ­ent inter­est groups to develop Open UAS studies. Mervi is dili­gent in her work and the quality of her work needs to be noticed.

Student Admis­sion Coor­di­na­tors Auli Karjalainen and Kirsi Kukko­nen were awarded as the pair of employ­ees. Auli and Kirsi work in Karelia UAS admis­sion services in a very customer-oriented manner. They are willing to help appli­cants, employ­ees and coop­er­a­tion part­ners with a kind atti­tude and without delays. They have received posi­tive feed­back from coop­er­a­tion part­ners, student coun­sel­lors at secondary schools. Coop­er­a­tion with Karelia UAS student coun­sel­lors regard­ing issues related to student admis­sion is fluent, friendly and flexible.

Team leaders Minna Lappalainen, Jaana Pantsari, Kirsi Salli­nen, Mari Savolainen and Kirsi Varis were awarded as the team of the year. They have worked as a team to develop the oper­a­tional activ­i­ties of nursing educa­tion. They lead their teams in a goal-oriented manner accord­ing to the commonly agreed prin­ci­ples of nursing educa­tion and the Karelia UAS strat­egy. During the corona crisis, they have taken respon­si­bil­ity for the activ­i­ties of their teams by drawing up guide­lines for teach­ers and students for differ­ent situ­a­tions in accor­dance to the prin­ci­ples of the Emer­gency Powers Act. They have also been respon­si­ble for reor­gan­is­ing the teach­ing delayed by the corona crisis. They are impor­tant coop­er­a­tion part­ners and an impor­tant help to Heads of Educa­tion in taking things forward.