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Video: Inter­na­tional talents – compa­nies’ point of view

This video presents expe­ri­ences of Karelia UAS’s inter­na­tional students’ trainee­ships at key partner orga­ni­za­tions. Repre­sen­ta­tives of Arbo­naut Oy, Euro­pean Forest Insti­tute and Phillips Medi­s­ize Oy have shared their ideas on what is it like to work with inter­na­tional talents, what bene­fits can a company get from this expe­ri­ence and why should these students be given an oppor­tu­nity to work. In addi­tion, inter­na­tional students of Karelia UAS Karelia share their insights about the intern­ship expe­ri­ences and how they can inte­grate into Finnish working culture. Hope­fully, this video will encour­age other organ­i­sa­tions and compa­nies to hire inter­na­tional talents:

Video by Sofiya Meleshkova, Project Coor­di­na­tor, Karelia UAS