Category: Yleinen

  • Greet­ings from The President

    Dear new student, I’d like to congrat­u­late you once more for receiv­ing a study place at Karelia UAS. You can be satis­fied and happy with your choice. I sincerely hope that you get on well, give feed­back and take actively part in the conver­sa­tion making our educa­tion and research commu­nity even better. Further­more, I wish…

  • Student satis­fac­tion in Karelia is the best in history

    Based on the feed­back survey carried out this year, the student satis­fac­tion of students complet­ing a degree at Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences was 83 %. A total of 1,674 responses were received to the survey, of which 1,610 were from students with a Bachelor´s degree and 64 from students with a Master’s degree. –…

  • Values, atti­tudes & orga­ni­za­tional culture book display

    Values, atti­tudes & orga­ni­za­tional culture book display at Karelia UAS Library 2.–31.3. You can borrow the books from this display. Welcome!

  • Customer service is closed on Tue 21 Feb

    Library’s customer service is closed due to sports after­noon on Tue 21 Feb.Self-service library is open from 7.30 to 20.

  • New student, welcome to the library!

    The easiest way to get your library card is to use the Tuudo app. The Tuudo library card is avail­able imme­di­ately. You can also use a tradi­tional library card by regis­ter­ing as a customer via the link on the Karelia-Finna home­page. By showing your library card at service desk you will receive a library’s badge…

  • Open doors day on 19th Nov 2021

    Welcome to visit our campuses on 19th Novem­ber 2021! There will be programme on both our campuses, Tikkarinne Campus and Wärt­silä Campus, from 10 am to 2 pm. Our staff and student ambas­sadors will be there to tell you more about us and our degree programmes also in English. You can also follow us on…

  • From MOT Dictio­nar­ies to

    The old service MOT Sanakirjasto/Online (i.e. MOT Dictio­nar­ies) will completely run down at the end of an ongoing year. You already have the access to its substi­tute called MOT Kielipalvelu/ >> This service on the plat­form includes tools famil­iar from the old MOT. In addi­tion to dozens of dictio­nar­ies, MOT Kieli­palvelu contains MOT Trans­la­tor…

  • Spring 2021 Grad­u­a­tion Ceremony

    Welcome to Spring 2021 Grad­u­a­tion Cere­mony at Karelia UAS on Friday 28th May 2021 at 2pm. The grad­u­a­tion cere­mony will be held online. Follow the stream here. Host is Katja Kervi­nen, our second-year Degree Programme in Media student. Programme Speech Pres­i­dent Petri RaivoGreet­ings from Student Union POKAMusicGrad­u­ates speechPledge of Grad­u­ate Nurses MusicSummer Hymn

  • VIRTUAL WORK SMART Career and Recruit­ment Event 28 Jan 2021

    Welcome to the Virtual Work Smart Career and Recruit­ment Event on 28th January at 12-15. The tech­ni­cal plat­form for the event is Teams. Each company or orga­ni­za­tion have its own space (Teams) where students come, inter­act and visit you. The Teams link will be here in this site below your company or orga­ni­za­tion intro­duc­tion on 28th…

  • Suvi Hassi­nen: Studies gave good theo­ret­i­cal basis for my work as CEO

    BBA, Inter­na­tional Busi­ness, 2015, Hassisen Veljek­set Oy (HAVEL), CEO  In my work, my areas of respon­si­bil­ity are market­ing and devel­op­ment. I take care that every­thing in the market­ing, produc­tion and other areas are on track and every­one has the prereq­ui­sites to do the job. It is my respon­si­bil­ity to keep track of the devel­op­ment efforts…