Mhar­jurie Malaluan: Study­ing at Karelia UAS is flex­i­ble, open, fun and hands-on

Mhar­jurie Malaluan, 23, Degree Programme in Inter­na­tional Business

Five years ago, I immi­grated with my mother to Finland – a whole new world for me. I faced a culture shock coming from the Philip­pines, which is 9,052 km away. During my first and half years in the country, I took part in two Inten­sive Inte­gra­tion programmes in Kuopio city. The courses helped me to learn more about the Finnish language, culture, educa­tion, and working life. After taking my gap year in a small city of Kitee, the achiever in me grew for the inter­est in enter­ing the univer­sity life which always has a place in my heart. Given that my two fami­lies are living in two differ­ent cities, I then tried my luck. I sent my appli­ca­tion for two Univer­sity of Applied Sciences located in Kuopio and Joensuu via

malaluan mharjurie

The entrance exam­i­na­tions came, the first one in Kuopio, and the next day was in Joensuu. The nervous­ness turned into joy when I received the accep­tance letter and got admit­ted to Karelia UAS for the BBA Inter­na­tional Busi­ness degree programme. This gave me a sign and hope to not give up on my dreams and that when one door closes, another opens. I must admit that study­ing in Joensuu is the best choice! Joensuu might be a small city, but this may surprise you because the city offers every­thing a student may need and want for leisure with strong coop­er­a­tion with Busi­ness Joensuu.

My inter­est in explor­ing a new culture, trav­el­ling the world, and manage­ment back­ground led me to study Inter­na­tional Busi­ness. Karelia UAS offers a wide variety of oppor­tu­ni­ties in its BBA Inter­na­tional Busi­ness degree programme; from Busi­ness Manage­ment to Market­ing and Sales, Commu­ni­ca­tions – Inter­na­tional and Global, Account­ing, to name some. Exchange studies and Intern­ships are offered in part­ner­ship with the Erasmus+ programme. I, as a third-year student, have started as a Digital Market­ing Intern in a busi­ness consult­ing firm based in Barcelona, Spain. Study­ing at Karelia UAS has been very flex­i­ble, open, fun, and hands-on, and I want to give credit to my lovely profes­sors. They have supported me through ups and downs: I even received an  award of appre­ci­a­tion for my excel­lent study progress, moti­va­tion, and inte­gra­tion. I highly recom­mend study­ing in Karelia UAS for every­one who is looking for inter­na­tion­al­ity with a student well­ness support­ive environment.