Educa­tion and Services for Immigrants

Educa­tion for Immigrants

Sepa­rate appli­ca­tion for grad­u­ates of prepara­tory educa­tion for higher education 

If you have completed the prepara­tory programme for higher educa­tion (Prep­Prog), you can apply for English-taught degree programmes in Karelia UAS 15 April – 16 May 2024.


Prepara­tory Programme for Higher Educa­tion Studies in Finnish

The aim of the programme is to improve your Finnish language skills and other skills required in higher educa­tion degrees so that study­ing in Finnish taught higher educa­tion will be easier.

Prepara­tory Programme for Higher Educa­tion Studies in English

This prepara­tory programme in English is only for people who have fled Ukraine and have tempo­rary protec­tion in Finland.

opettaja ohjaa opiskelijoita
studies for ukranians

Study oppor­tu­ni­ties for Ukrainians

There are several study oppor­tu­ni­ties for Ukraini­ans who have been granted tempo­rary protec­tion in Finland.

Finnish language courses for Immigrants

Do you want to improve your Finnish language skills for work or study? All Karelia open UAS courses are online. 

Services for Immigrants

International Business Students

Juttuk­lubi Joensuu

Juttuk­lubi is arranged once a month and it is aimed for all immi­grants who want to meet Finnish employ­ers, network and discuss work-related themes. 

SIMHE-Karelia for Immigrants

Karelia UAS offers SIMHE career coun­selling (Support­ing Immi­grants in Higher Educa­tion) for Immi­grants who have a higher educa­tion diploma or who are inter­ested in higher educa­tion studies. The service is free of charge.