Finnish language courses

Do you want to improve your Finnish language skills? Karelia Open UAS offers courses from level 0 to level B2. All the courses are online. 

The course offer­ings vary every Autumn and Spring. Not all courses all avail­able each semes­ter. The courses begin in January and in Septem­ber. Detailed infor­ma­tion about the sched­ules and instruc­tions for regis­ter­ing are on the open UAS website. You can search Finnish language courses by select­ing “Finnish for Immigrants”.

Course contents

Let’s have a cuppa! Finnish Language Cafe 1, level A2.1

You under­stand the main points of every­day conver­sa­tions. You under­stand easy and simply spoken language. You can partic­i­pate in the discus­sion in Finnish. You know the phrases and vocab­u­lary of a every­day conversation.

What’s up today? Finnish Language Cafe 2, level B1

You under­stand differ­ent types of discus­sions. You are able to under­stand spoken language and differ­ent dialects. You can use phrases of spoken language. You are able to partic­i­pate in differ­ent types of discus­sions in Finnish.

Finnish for Begin­ners, level 0

You can under­stand and use famil­iar every­day expres­sions and very basic phrases. You can ask and answer to basic ques­tions. You are able to tell about your­self and use polite phrases and greet­ings in every­day situ­a­tions, e.g. meeting friends and asking about the price and ordering.

Finnish for Students, level A2.2

You can tell about your­self and your every­day life, use the Finnish language in customer service situ­a­tions, find the main points in short texts and in simple speech and write short texts. You can distin­guish between written and spoken language.

Finnish for Work, level B1

You will be able to speak and write in a variety of situ­a­tions at work, e.g. customer service, making appoint­ments, meet­ings and nego­ti­a­tions, and chat­ting with colleagues. You can tell about your work and profes­sion and under­stand texts and speech about work. You under­stand work-related instruc­tions and can write the most impor­tant work-related texts.

Finnish for Infor­ma­tional Writing, level B2

After complet­ing the course, you will be able to tell about your­self, your studies and your work, write a variety of factual texts from differ­ent perspec­tives, give reasons for your own opin­ions and summarise the key points in texts and in oral presen­ta­tions. You can use the right tone and style in your writing and use struc­tures typical of written language.

Finnish in the Media, level B1-B2

You will be intro­duced to the Finnish media (news­pa­pers, online maga­zines, TV and radio programmes) and, in partic­u­lar, to texts and programmes in your field of study. You will learn written language struc­tures and get to know general spoken language. You will learn vocab­u­lary in your field. You will be able to search for texts related to your field. You will be able to under­stand a variety of factual texts, expand your profes­sional vocab­u­lary and strengthen your textual skills.

YKI Prepa­ra­tion, level B1

The course prepares the student for the YKI test. The student is famil­iar with the YKI test struc­ture and response tech­nique. During the course, the student trains reading and writing various B1-level texts as well as B1-level grammar. Study­ing is online.

More infor­ma­tion:

Kaisa Peuhkuri­nen, +358 50 551 5464, [email protected]