Karelia UAS’s new Master’s degree in Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment responds to growing corpo­rate sustain­abil­ity needs

Karelia UAS is launch­ing a new Master’s programme in Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment in autumn 2024, with appli­ca­tions start­ing in January 2024. This work-life-related master’s programme offers a cutting-edge engi­neer­ing curricu­lum with a sustain­abil­ity focus to address the needs of busi­nesses to meet increas­ing sustain­abil­ity requirements.

As a Master of Engi­neer­ing in Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment, students take the lead in support­ing the imple­men­ta­tion of sustain­able tech­nolo­gies and orga­ni­za­tional change processes within compa­nies. They also estab­lish and main­tain networks to foster collab­o­ra­tion among envi­ron­men­tally and socially respon­si­ble businesses.

The programme is conducted in English and imple­mented fully online. Students are required to have two years’ previ­ous work expe­ri­ence in a rele­vant field (engi­neer­ing, natural resources, natural sciences). The studies are strongly work life connected as all case studies and theses work are work­place related. The programme also provides students and the enter­prise part­ners an oppor­tu­nity to network internationally.

To learn more about the programme, please visit the website: https://www.karelia.fi/en/sustainability-management/

The programme is devel­oped under the INVEST Euro­pean Univer­sity alliance.