Student story: Andrea Cuba

Dreams do come true at Karelia UAS 

Grad­u­at­ing students are instilled with great knowl­edge of their field as they are eligi­ble for further employ­ment in this society. Being at Karelia UAS is an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence and I will reflect on it as an older lady in my rocking chair. It conquers brains with knowl­edge of ensured success in present and future life. 

Andrea Cuba, USA

Hauska tutus­tua! I come from the United States and am a third-year Inter­na­tional Busi­ness student. In addi­tion to living in Cali­for­nia, I spent my child­hood in Peru. 

Karelia UAS helped me to reach my dream. I had wanted to move to Finland since I was six years old and was so thrilled when accepted. I had planned my move for years and even started learn­ing Finnish when I was twelve. Now, my dream has come true! 

Study­ing in this univer­sity has helped me hone my skills more and more through­out my studies. I have some sales expe­ri­ence and I applied that to my Inter­na­tional Busi­ness courses. My profes­sors encour­aged me to do so contin­u­ously. The whole study setting feels very profes­sional as well as when it comes to address­ing them. The envi­ron­ment is relaxed and inde­pen­dent as it permits one to complete assign­ments with prepa­ra­tion and might. 

I chose Inter­na­tional Busi­ness because the busi­ness itself can be easily applied anywhere and offers an endless tide of oppor­tu­ni­ties. This degree programme has courses in sales, logis­tics, account­ing, commerce and more! I have learned of the many facets of a working busi­ness as well as its back­ground oper­a­tions. Group projects fully prepare one for an actual work setting. We even have presen­ta­tions to pitch our ideas to investors a.k.a. our profes­sors. It’s the most curious thing! 

The campus has a pleas­ant envi­ron­ment for the ideal univer­sity student. It has quiet settings devoid of distrac­tions, helpful coun­sel­ing, and a restau­rant offer­ing nutri­tious afford­able meals. 

You also have the chance to apply your learned skills to an intern­ship, which grants you expe­ri­ence in a real work envi­ron­ment. I did one last year and felt like a true profes­sional by sitting at a desk with my laptop doing research. 

I have lived in Finland for two years. I feel appre­cia­tive every day for study­ing at Karelia UAS and spend­ing my days in a country enriched with commend­able intel­li­gence and respect for culture. As a univer­sity of applied sciences student, living here has helped me to find myself and mature as an indi­vid­ual. It has shaped me as one devoted to her studies and dedi­cat­ing my days to doing what I promised when I decided to move 9000 kilo­me­ters away. 

Joensuu has been a wonder­ful place to accli­mate to Finland. It is small and there­fore not so over­whelm­ing. I got used to it pretty fast. The surround­ings are calm and pleas­antly quiet. You can walk and feel so very free. It is deco­rated with vast forests and lakes. In every season, they are breath­tak­ing to see. 

Grad­u­at­ing students are instilled with great knowl­edge of their field as they are eligi­ble for further employ­ment in this society. Being at Karelia UAS is an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence and I will reflect on it as an older lady in my rocking chair. It conquers brains with knowl­edge of ensured success in present and future life.