Joensuu’s Draft Program receives a special mention in promot­ing Euro­pean entrepreneurship

The Draft Program – an entre­pre­neur­ship programme by the Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences – was given a special mention in the Euro­pean Enter­prise Promo­tion Awards (EEPA). The Joensuu-based project was recog­nised for its inno­va­tion and creativ­ity in dissem­i­nat­ing local good prac­tices to other entre­pre­neurs start­ing in the area.

The Draft Program is a small but inno­v­a­tive joint entre­pre­neur­ship programme of five educa­tional insti­tu­tions in eastern Finland. The programme provides micro­fi­nance and coach­ing to students, staff and alumni teams. The programme has devel­oped an oper­at­ing model for exper­i­men­tal entre­pre­neur­ship, where each client team is consid­ered a research expe­di­tion that produces locally rele­vant infor­ma­tion on the sector. The entre­pre­neur­ial coaches, i.e. the devel­op­ers of exper­i­men­tal entre­pre­neur­ship, will trans­form the lessons learned from team work into so-called useful publi­ca­tions. These publi­ca­tions are prac­ti­cal blogs, videos, podcasts and guides that dissem­i­nate local sector-specific prac­tices to other new busi­nesses in the region. About a dozen compa­nies have been born out of the programme in recent years. 

This year, a total of 47 projects from 28 coun­tries took part in the EEPA compe­ti­tion in six series. The purpose of the compe­ti­tion is to present the best prac­tices and approaches to promot­ing entre­pre­neur­ship. Another aim is to raise aware­ness of entre­pre­neur­ship and to encour­age more people to become entre­pre­neurs. This is the 15th time that the Euro­pean Commis­sion will award the annual EEPA prize.

The compe­ti­tion final­ists and projects receiv­ing a special mention were displayed at the SME Assem­bly, which was held in Slove­nia on 15–17 November.

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment