Changes in opening hours 21.12.2021 – 9.1.2022

Self-service library is open Tue-Wed 21.-22.12. from 7.30 to 20.
* Please notice. The main entrance of Tikkarinne Campus is open 7.30-17.

  • Customer service is closed. 

These are the last days to borrow library mate­ri­als before Christ­mas and New Year. Remem­ber to borrow the books etc. you need and pick up your requests from library.

You can read ebooks and use library’s elec­tron­i­cal mate­ri­als on Karelia-Finna even when library is closed.  

Whole library is closed 23.12.2021 – 9.1.2022.

Merry Christ­mas & Happy New Year from Karelia UAS Library!

Photo Pexels Pixabay

Check all the opening and service hours from here: