INVEST allianssin rehtorit

Success­ful launch of INVEST Alliance’s new phase in Reims, France.

Karelia UAS and other members of the INVEST alliance partic­i­pated in the kick-off meeting of the new four-year period (2024 – 2027) of INVEST, orga­nized by the Univer­sity of Reims Cham­pagne-Ardenne in Reims, France, from January 22 to 24, 2024. This three-day festive and admin­is­tra­tive meeting provided an oppor­tu­nity to strengthen rela­tion­ships between partner univer­si­ties’ rectors and to consider the role and tasks of the rectorate. At the same time, the alliance’s short and long-term goals and the next concrete actions were spec­i­fied. From Karelia, Pres­i­dent Petri Raivo, Head of Inter­na­tional Affairs and INVEST Direc­tor Liisa Timonen, and Project Special­ist Riina Korho­nen were present.

The second day of the event was open to all members of the INVEST univer­sity staff and part­ners. Guests included Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Unit at EACEA, and Jacques Comby from the French Ministry of Higher Educa­tion. In the first panel discus­sion, the rectors of the alliance consid­ered the strate­gic impor­tance and chal­lenges of alliance coop­er­a­tion. In the second panel discus­sion, leaders of the alliance from partner univer­si­ties high­lighted the bene­fits sought for the acad­e­mic commu­nity, i.e., students, staff, and part­ners. Both panel discus­sions were moder­ated by Carle Bonafous-Murat, Senior liaison officer at the French Rectors’ Confer­ence in Brus­sels.

Alliances are really build­ing the future of Higher educa­tion and research in Europe, they were given a blank page where they can put their vision, ideas and obsta­cles they face to build the univer­sity for tomor­row and we want to contribute to that future and be part of this momen­tum, empha­sized Guil­laume Gellé, Pres­i­dent of Univer­sity of Reims Cham­pagne Ardenne

As we all under­stand, Euro­pean Univer­si­ties initia­tive is not a project, but a long-term trans­for­ma­tional process. In this context, the INVEST alliance will concert­edly and steadily work towards ensur­ing a more systemic, struc­tural and sustain­able coop­er­a­tion to unfold the full trans­for­ma­tion poten­tial of the Euro­pean Univer­si­ties Initia­tive, said Gabriella Pasi, local coor­di­na­tor and vice-rector for inter­na­tional rela­tions, repre­sent­ing the rector of the Univer­sity of Milano-Bicocca.

Petri Raivo, Pres­i­dent of Karelia UAS, consid­ered the impor­tance to include the results already achieved in the daily offer­ings and prac­tices of all INVEST univer­si­ties and above all, the need to concretize, deepen and expand goals with the new part­ners. As the second phase begins, three new univer­si­ties have joined the INVEST alliance: Univer­sity of Reims Cham­pagne-Ardenne, France; Univer­sity Milano-Bicocca, Italy and Univer­sity of Cordoba, Spain.

Record­ings of the second day of the event can be viewed on the Univer­sity of Reims Cham­pagne-Ardenne Youtube channel.

INVEST alliance partners