
Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment programme most attrac­tive in the first joint appli­ca­tion of the spring

In the first joint appli­ca­tion of the spring, which ended on January 17, 2024, a total of 2083 appli­cants from Finland and abroad applied to Karelia UAS. Karelia had four inter­na­tional, English-taught bachelor’s degree programmes, with a total of 125 start­ing places. The most popular of these was the Degree Programme in Inter­na­tional Busi­ness, which had 945 applicants.

Appli­cants to Karelia came from almost 80 coun­tries around the world.

– We are happy that Karelia was of such great inter­est. With the new inter­na­tional students, our univer­sity will become even more inter­na­tion­al­ized, and we can also respond to the labor short­age in our region better. We hope that the future inter­na­tional experts will find their career paths in North Karelia and inte­grate into the region, says Petri Raivo, the pres­i­dent of Karelia UAS.

The Master of Engi­neer­ing in Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment programme was offered for the first time in the avail­able studies, and it attracted signif­i­cant inter­est from around the world. The programme was applied by a total of 379 appli­cants from 40 differ­ent coun­tries.

– We are satis­fied with the number of appli­cants for our new programme. Sustain­able devel­op­ment is a glob­ally inter­est­ing topic, stressed Raivo.

The second joint appli­ca­tion of the spring (January 13-27, 2024) includes degree programmes offered in Finnish.