Pre-task instruc­tions for Online entrance exam­i­na­tion – Inter­na­tional Business

A pre-task is a part of the Online entrance exam­i­na­tion of Inter­na­tional Busi­ness. Follow the instruc­tions and return your pre-task to the appli­ca­tion form by 27 January 2021 at 15.00. Please note, that invi­ta­tions to the written part of the Online entrance exam­i­na­tion will be only sent to the appli­cants, who have submit­ted the requested pre-task to the appli­ca­tion form on time.

Instruc­tions for creat­ing your video

Welcome to start the entrance exam for busi­ness studies (BBA). We would like to know who you are and why you decided to apply to study busi­ness. Please read the instruc­tions below care­fully and then record your 2-minute video.

  • Dead­line: The video must be uploaded to Study­info latest by 15.00 Finnish time on Wednes­day 27 January 2021. Please make sure that you have enough time to upload your video to Study­info. The upload time is depen­dent on your broad­band width.
    • Length: The maximum length of your video is 2 minutes.
    • Device: You can record the video using e.g. your laptop camera or your mobile phone
    • Content: Make a good plan for your video before you start record­ing it, and make sure you cover the topics required in the instruc­tions. You can use your creativ­ity and show some­thing of your person­al­ity when telling us who you are and why you want to study business
    • Envi­ron­ment: Adjust the light­ing if needed. Make sure that light comes from in front of you so that your face is well illu­mi­nated, not from behind you or from the side.
    • In the 2-minute video we expect you to cover the follow­ing four topics
      • In short, tell us who you are and where you come from.
      • Why do you want to study busi­ness? What are the reasons why you think busi­ness is the right study field for you?
      • What do you know about the busi­ness programme(s) you are apply­ing for?
      • Do you enjoy working in teams? What example of your team working skills can you give? Your example…

Instruc­tions for upload­ing your video

  • You are asked to submit your video to Study­info latest by 15.00 Finnish time on 27 January.
    • Upload your video as an attach­ment to your appli­ca­tion in Study­info before the deadline.
    • Make sure that your video is saved as one of the next most common video formats (mp4, mov, wmv).
    • Maximum file size is 1.0 GB.
    • Upload the actual video to Study­info not e.g. a link to Youtube.

The eval­u­a­tion of your video: 

When assess­ing your video, we will be focus­ing on:

  1. Your moti­va­tion towards busi­ness studies
  2. The contents of your video related to the ques­tions mentioned above
  3. Your presen­ta­tion skills
  4. Your English language skills