Karelia UAS, campuses and parking

Karelia UAS has two campuses that are located near to each other. Both campuses are also located near to the city centre and are easily access­able from all parts of the city by bike and bus. 

All three English-taught programmes are located in Wärt­silä Campus. 

Campus addresses:

Wärt­silä Campus: Karjalankatu 2, 80200 Joensuu

Tikkarinne Campus: Tikkarinne 9, 80200 Joensuu

Our Campuses are modern; the wire­less inter­net access as well as group work and comput­ing facil­i­ties enable you to study effi­ciently during your days. The Campus restau­rants provide you with warm and afford­able break­fast, lunch and snacks at low student prices. Our Campus facil­i­ties offer you versa­tile places for inde­pen­dent studies.

You will receive a parking permit on the first day of studies from the campus care­taker by showing your offi­cial iden­ti­fi­ca­tion document.

Loca­tions of Karelia UAS campuses on map

Parking at Wärt­silä campus (pdf)