students at karelia uas


Karelia University of Applied Sciences Library is open for everyone. The library is situated in the Tikkarinne Campus. The library is next to the student restaurant Solina. You can contact us by email, by phone, by chat or you can visit the library (see the contact information). You can also follow us on Instagram. Welcome to the library!

Service promise

Welcome to the Karelia UAS library, which is open for everyone. We serve the students and personnel of Karelia UAS and other customers. We provide modern facilities and updated scientific and professional collections to support studying, teaching and research. We teach information seeking skills to our students and staff aiming at the skills needed at work. We develop our operations in cooperation with our customers and we take into account customer feedback.

Customer service principles

Our customer service principles are:

  • Our service is responsible, friendly, equal and effective.
  • We support our customers to use library’s service and to search information independently.
  • Our library is customer-friendly and we give customized service to our customers.
  • We inform our customers of our services active and guidance them to use library’s services and collections.
  • We collect customer feedback to improve and develop our services and to anticipate the future.


Library collections consist of scientific and professional books, databases, journals and audiovisual materials on the subject areas of Karelia UAS. You will find our library’s collections on Karelia-Finna. Anyone can make an acquisition proposal.

Do you have print disability?

If you have print disability, you are able to get access to Celia books collection. Celia produces and distributes literature in accessible formats, such as talking books and braille books. Please first contact Student Welfare Officers, after that contact library’s customer service and make an appointment to get access to Celia.

Print disability is a condition related to blindness, visual impairment, specific learning disability or other physical condition in which the student needs an alternative or specialized format (i.e., Braille, Large Print, Audio, Digital text) in order to access and gain information from conventional printed materials (source:

Interlibrary loans

Link to Interlibrary loans

Price list

Link to library’s Price list


Link to Publications (in Finnish)