Category: News

  • The city of Joensuu and Karelia UAS promote biodi­ver­sity by taking part in Inter­na­tional Tree Plant­ing Day 24 May 2023

    Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, the city of Joensuu and the ENO online school will plant trees in an event on Wednes­day 24 May 2023 from 9 to 11 am. The venue is the scenic hills of the south­ern part of Sahani­ityn­puisto in Pent­tilä. It is easy to get there by foot, bicycle or public…

  • Karelia joined the Climate Univer­sity network of higher educa­tion institutions

    Karelia joined the Climate Univer­sity network of higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions – sustain­able devel­op­ment and climate change courses offered online Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences has joined the Climate Univer­sity network formed by Finnish higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions. Member­ship offers students of Karelia UAS the oppor­tu­nity to partic­i­pate in courses orga­nized by the network as a part…

  • Uzbek­istan univer­sity dele­ga­tion visits Karelia UAS

    On Tuesday 2nd of May 2023 Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences was proud to host a dele­ga­tion of 26 Uzbek Deans and Vice Deans and discuss good prac­tices and strate­gic collab­o­ra­tion in higher education. The dele­gates repre­sent more than ten Uzbek HEIs and come from various fields of exper­tise. The visit was orga­nized by Karelia’s…

  • Uzbek­istan news­pa­per dele­ga­tion visits Karelia UAS

    Xalq So’zi News­pa­per Delegation’s offi­cial visit to Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences (Karelia UAS) marks the impor­tance of strate­gic coop­er­a­tion between Karelia UAS (Finland) and Inter­na­tional Nordic Univer­sity (Uzbek­istan) at insti­tu­tional, regional and national levels. Thanks to Karelia’s part­ner­ship, Nordic Inter­na­tional Univer­sity will become a model univer­sity whose univer­sity of applied sciences features can be…

  • Prepara­tory Programme for Higher Educa­tion Studies in English for those who have fled war from Ukraine

    In co-oper­a­tion with eight other UAS’ we provide a Prepara­tory Programme for Higher Educa­tion Studies in English for those who have fled war from Ukraine. In this programme, you famil­iar­ize your­self with differ­ent fields of study and options for you. You will get the basic skills required in higher educa­tion studies and will also receive personal…

  • Student satis­fac­tion in Karelia is the best in history

    Based on the feed­back survey carried out this year, the student satis­fac­tion of students complet­ing a degree at Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences was 83 %. A total of 1,674 responses were received to the survey, of which 1,610 were from students with a Bachelor´s degree and 64 from students with a Master’s degree. –…

  • Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences launches exten­sive educa­tional coop­er­a­tion with Uzbekistan

    Karelia UAS launches educa­tional coop­er­a­tion with the new Nordic Inter­na­tional Univer­sity in Tashkent, Uzbek­istan. Three inter­na­tional degree programmes of Karelia UAS will be launched at the univer­sity so that the teach­ers are local, but the contents of the educa­tion are from Karelia UAS. The coop­er­a­tion agree­ment also includes other measures for devel­op­ing the Nordic Inter­na­tional Univer­sity…

  • The number of appli­cants for inter­na­tional degree programmes doubled at Karelia UAS 

    In the first joint spring appli­ca­tion period, which ended on Wednes­day 18th January 2023, nearly 4300 appli­cants from Finland and abroad applied to Karelia UAS. There were almost 2000 more appli­ca­tions than in the previ­ous year. Karelia UAS offered three inter­na­tional degree programmes taught in English, for a total of 125 study places. The most popular…

  • Star­ck­jo­hann foun­da­tion awarded grants for students of Karelia

    The grants of the Star­ck­jo­hann foun­da­tion were awarded to the selected students of Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, on Monday 12 Decem­ber 2022. A total of EUR 36 000 was awarded this year to 40 students, EUR 900 each. The grants were handed out by the Pres­i­dent of Karelia UAS Petri Raivo.

  • Mervi Nygren is the alumnus of the year 2022 at Karelia UAS

    Mervi Nygren, a year 2007 grad­u­ate from Karelia UAS Degree Programme in Nursing, has been selected as the alumnus of the year 2022.  Nygren, who works as a nurse in Siun Sote, has been actively coop­er­at­ing with Karelia UAS after her graduation. The alumnus of the year was now selected for the fifth time at Karelia…