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Prepa­ring a course for YouTube

Over the years, I have publis­hed over 200 videos on YouTube [1]: mostly program­ming tuto­rials as well as program­ming-related enter­tai­ning and moti­va­tio­nal content. Among these videos, I have six courses (roughly 10 videos each) on various topics such as loca­tion-aware applica­tion deve­lop­ment, visual web deve­lop­ment, and algo­rithms. I now conclu­ded a new course on Coding a self-driving car in JavaSc­ript [2]. In this article I want to share my most recent finding related to publis­hing courses to YouTube. 

Coding a self-driving car in JavaSc­ript is a course that teaches how to make a self-driving car simu­la­tion by imple­men­ting every compo­nent oursel­ves, without libra­ries (other people’s code). We learn to imple­ment the driving mecha­nics, to define the envi­ron­ment, to simu­late proxi­mity sensors, to detect colli­sions and to make the car move by itself using a neural network [3]. We learn how neural networks work by compa­ring them to the biolo­gical neural networks in our brains, then imple­ment somet­hing similar on a compu­ter. We opti­mize the network using basic evolu­tio­nary methods. The course consists of 10 videos (see Table 1). 

Table 1. Indi­vi­dual video statistics. 

Video # Topic Views Likes vs. Disli­kes Comments 
Intro + Car driving mechanics 6,166 99.2 % 94 
Defi­ning the road 1,313 100 % 34 
Arti­ficial sensors 1,115 99.8 % 29 
Segment inter­sec­tion 4,430 99.3 % 43 
Colli­sion detection 1,412 97.6 % 17 
Traffic simu­la­tion 775 98.4 % 23 
Neural networks 8,009 98.2 % 51 
Visua­lizing neural networks 1,298 100 % 28 
Opti­mizing neural networks 2,163 99.1 % 29 
10 Fine-tuning 1,615 97.9 % 42 
TOTAL  28,296 98.95 % 390 
*Top 3 perfor­ming videos high­ligh­ted in green

At the date of writing this (16.5.2022), the course has already collec­ted more views than any of my other courses, despite them being on the plat­form for much longer (one year, at least). This is mostly due to the channel growing over the past year, and YouTube forming a better picture of the target audience for my content, thus sharing the video to the right people. The likes/dislikes ratio is high, but similar to my other content, the number of comments is signi­ficantly higher. This increa­sed enga­ge­ment shows in the subsc­ri­ber count as well, which more than doubled (from 2,407 to 5,425) as the course was being publis­hed (over a two-and-a-half-month period – one video per week). I consi­der these statis­tics remar­kable, and that is why I have written the current article: to share what I did diffe­rently when desig­ning this course. 

How the YouTube algo­rithm works 

Before I discuss my tech­niques, it is impor­tant to note that the success of a YouTube video depends largely on the algo­rithm [4]. Even if you have the best video in the world, if YouTube doesn’t decide to share it, it will remain unno­ticed. The algo­rithm works in myste­rious ways: it changes cons­tantly as users inte­ract with the plat­form. If YouTube decides to share a video today, it may not decide to do it tomor­row and so on. However, some patterns are clear. For example, when a new video is uploa­ded, the first minutes are impor­tant. If people engage with it in a posi­tive way (like, comment, subsc­ribe), YouTube will show the video to more people and so on. 

Tailo­ring courses for YouTube – overco­ming the algo­rithm obstacle  

The fickle algo­rithm poses a problem when publis­hing a course on YouTube. As can be seen in Table 1, the first video perfor­med well in terms of views and especially enga­ge­ment (people were excited for the rest of the course). However, the second video is signi­ficantly less popular because one needs to go through video 1 for video 2 to make any sense. YouTube doesn’t know this when recom­men­ding video 2 to users, so people who haven’t started the course will imme­dia­tely close video 2 upon opening it. This gives YouTube the wrong signal. Even if some of these people go to video 1 to start the course, the signal that video 2 is not inte­res­ting has already been sent. 

This obser­va­tion is impor­tant. It means that YouTube is not the best plat­form for publis­hing courses – video lectu­res that are related to each other, that is. I coun­te­rac­ted this by making videos 4 and 7 inde­pen­dent from the rest of the course. They teach two funda­men­tal tech­niques: how to find the inter­sec­tion of two segments and how neural networks work, respec­ti­vely. These tech­niques are general and have count­less uses outside self-driving, thus fitting as stan­da­lone videos. I begin these videos by mentio­ning the self-driving car project and that one doesn’t need to have started the course to conti­nue watc­hing. This achie­ves two things: 

  1. people won’t click away and 
  1. people learn about the exis­tence of the self-driving car course (a kind of self-promotion). 

Because neural networks are such a hot topic nowa­days, video 7 is now the most viewed in the series (see Table 1). This outcome was expec­ted when I planned the course and is the reason why half the effort was put into desig­ning the neural networks lecture. 

Alter­na­tive solu­tions to crea­ting video courses on YouTube 

This was not the only way to handle this problem. Alter­na­ti­vely, the entire course could have been presen­ted as a single, long video. I disagree with the popular opinion that short videos are better [5]. I think the reason they perform better is because they are usually better quality: it is much easier to make a high-quality short video than a high-quality long video. 

On YouTube, long videos can be split into chap­ters, so they feel less overw­hel­ming, and there are ways to skip to a given chapter if wanted. Moreo­ver, some viewers complai­ned when I publis­hed the first video, saying they won’t follow along because they need to wait between the lectu­res. This lost me poten­tial viewers. However, with the long video stra­tegy, videos on the channel will appear less frequently (every few months instead of every week). This impedes channel growth especially for small chan­nels like my own. 

In conclusion, YouTube is not ideal for publis­hing courses, because it promo­tes each video inde­pen­dently, and video lectu­res usually relate to each other. However, by orga­nizing the course so that the inde­pen­dent videos are evenly spaced between the lectu­res, they will likely be shared more often, and the course can become an overall success. 


Radu Mariescu-Istodor, lectu­rer, Karelia UAS 




[3] Aggarwal, Charu C. 2018. ”Neural networks and deep lear­ning.” Sprin­ger 10 (2018): 978-3. 

[4] Arthurs, Jane, Sophia Drako­pou­lou, Ales­sandro Gandini. 2018. ”Researc­hing YouTube” Conver­gence 24, no. 1 (2018): 3-15. 


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