Avoin työpaikka: Expert in Immi­grant Work

One of the stra­te­gic choices of Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences in Karelia2030 stra­tegy is Educa­tion-based immi­gra­tion and inter­na­tio­na­liza­tion. The aim is to develop inter­na­tio­nal degree quali­fica­tion and build diffe­rent paths to educa­tion with a focus on the needs of working life, and to develop retrai­ning and upgra­ding quali­fica­tion and recruit­ment measu­res. The goal is also to develop and establish services suppor­ting the inte­gra­tion and emplo­y­ment of highly educa­ted people with a foreign background. Deve­lop­ment work is carried out in close coope­ra­tion with regio­nal compa­nies, commu­ni­ties and other educa­tio­nal insti­tu­tions and actors. To meet these aims,

Karelia Ammat­ti­kor­kea­koulu Oy / Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Ltd

is seeking to recruit an


The cont­ract of emplo­y­ment is perma­nent as of 1st April 2021.

The duties in the posi­tion include
– stra­te­gic deve­lop­ment and coor­di­na­tion of immi­grant work
– suppor­ting the inte­gra­tion of immi­grants in Finland
– deve­lop­ment of services and educa­tion for immi­grants
– active partici­pa­tion in natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal networks

The duties also include RDI work.

– know­ledge of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal immi­gra­tion and educa­tion policies
– proved expe­rience in expert-level immi­grant work
– natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal networks in the field
– deve­lop­ment compe­tence
– self-initia­tive and ability to work inde­pen­dently
– excel­lent commu­nica­tion and inte­rac­tion skills
– fluent spoken and written skills in English and basic spoken and written skills in Finnish, other language skills are consi­de­red an advantage

Compe­tence in the higher educa­tion sector and expe­rience in deve­lop­ment and project work is consi­de­red an advan­tage.
The cont­ract of emplo­y­ment is perma­nent and the terms and condi­tions for the emplo­y­ment are deter­mi­ned in accor­dance with the SIVISTA collec­tive agree­ment on educa­tion. The salary is EUR 3500-4000/­month inclu­ding task-speci­fic pay compo­nents + a compo­nent based on expe­rience, which depends on the length of service. The task-speci­fic pay compo­nent is deter­mi­ned on the basis of the complexity, effec­ti­ve­ness and versa­ti­lity of the tasks as well as perso­nal competence.

Applicants are requi­red to have an appropriate higher educa­tion degree. The person selec­ted for the posi­tion must present an accep­table medical certi­ficate before commencing emplo­y­ment. A six-month proba­tio­nary period is applied to all new members of the staff.

Submit your applica­tion and CV via Kunta­rekry by Thurs­day, 11th February 2021, 3 pm.

For further infor­ma­tion on the contents of the posi­tion, please contact Ms Ulla Asikai­nen (tel. 050 523 4355, email: [email protected]) and for further infor­ma­tion on the emplo­y­ment rela­tions­hip, please contact Ms Jaana Tolkki (tel. 050 408 7932, email: [email protected],).