Golfmaila koskettaa golfpalloa golfkentällä.

Sustai­na­bi­lity certi­fica­tion supports also inter­nal communication

Corpo­rate respon­si­bi­lity requi­res sustai­nable actions. To make these actions widely regar­ded as respon­sible as they are, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal certi­fica­tes are useful.

Golf courses also want to act respon­sibly, already because the users of the courses want it, says Aki Keronen, COO of Karelia Golf. Karelia Golf has done many correct things throug­hout the years, which made it easy to commit to applying for a GEO certi­ficate: a certi­ficate for envi­ron­men­tally respon­sible golf courses.

– The certi­ficate applica­tion inclu­ded lots of docu­men­ta­tion and checklists. Quite basic things, that had already been done. They just needed to be properly docu­men­ted. We could also point out some issues to be deve­lo­ped in near future, says Aki Keronen in an inter­view with Karelia’s Digi2Market project.

In 2019–2022, Karelia Golf and Kontio­lahti Golf Oy, the company which opera­tes Kontio­lahti golf courses, partici­pa­ted in the inter­na­tio­nal Digi2Market project. One of the purpo­ses of the NPA-funded ERDF-project was to support compa­nies in commu­nica­ting their sustai­na­bi­lity operations.

For Karelia Golf, GEO certi­ficate is part of inter­nal and exter­nal commu­nica­tion, as the club wants to keep choo­sing sustai­nable solu­tions – after all, in North Karelia the most impor­tant acti­vity of golf is playing in the middle of beau­ti­ful nature.

Watch an inter­view with Aki Keronen about how a golf course can execute sustai­na­bi­lity actions:


Risto Salmi­nen, Project Specia­list, Karelia UAS

Photo by Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash