Custo­mer Rela­tions­hip Mana­ge­ment (CRM) system of Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences


General Data Protec­tion Regu­la­tion of the Euro­pean Union (679/2016) as of 25th May 2018, Data Protec­tion Act (1050/2018)

Compi­led on 25th April 2018

Custo­mer Rela­tions­hip Mana­ge­ment (CRM) system of Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences

1. Regis­ter controller

Karelia Ammat­ti­kor­kea­koulu Oy / Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Ltd.

Address: Tikka­rinne 9, 80200 Joensuu, Finland

Tel. +358 13 260 600, Email: info(at)

2. Person in charge of the register

CEO / Presi­dent of Karelia UAS

3. Person in charge of custo­mer rela­tions­hip management

Head of Service Busi­ness, Mr Harri Mikko­nen, tel. +358 50 502 0402

4. Contact person in matters related to custo­mer rela­tions­hip management

Service Busi­ness Coor­di­na­tor, Ms Anne Prepula, tel. +358 50 311 9168, Tikka­rinne 9, 80200 Joensuu, Finland

5. Person in charge of data protection

Karelia Ammat­ti­kor­kea­koulu Oy, Tieto­suo­ja­vas­taava, Tikka­rinne 9, 80200 Joensuu, Finland

Tel. +358 50 525 0623, email: tietosuoja(at)

6. Purpose of proces­sing perso­nal data

Accor­ding to the Univer­si­ties of Applied Sciences Act, the mission of univer­si­ties of applied sciences is to provide higher educa­tion for profes­sio­nal expert jobs based on the requi­re­ments of working life and its deve­lop­ment and on the premi­ses of acade­mic research and acade­mic and artis­tic educa­tion and to support the profes­sio­nal growth of students. They shall also carry out applied research, deve­lop­ment and inno­va­tion acti­vi­ties and artis­tic acti­vi­ties that serve educa­tion in univer­si­ties of applied sciences, promote industry, busi­ness and regio­nal deve­lop­ment and rege­ne­rate the industrial struc­ture of the region. In carrying out their mission, univer­si­ties of applied sciences shall promote life­long lear­ning. These are statu­tory tasks.

The term service busi­ness at Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences refers to services provi­ded to custo­mers outside the univer­sity of applied sciences. The busi­ness idea in service busi­ness is to produce high quality, produc­ti­sed, or custo­mi­sed expert services and supple­men­tary educa­tion for compa­nies, commu­ni­ties and private people both locally, natio­nally and internationally.

Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences uses its CRM custo­mer rela­tions­hip mana­ge­ment system to main­tain its working life-related contacts and opera­tions. The system is a cent­ra­li­sed and struc­tu­red place for main­tai­ning infor­ma­tion on custo­mers, part­ners and inte­rest groups and on busi­ness proces­ses. These are called part­ners­hip activities.

The use of the custo­mer rela­tions­hip mana­ge­ment system is based on a custo­mer-orien­ted way of thin­king and acting. The CRM system at Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences is a tool for the entire staff to main­tain working life-related contacts and opera­tions. Infor­ma­tion gathe­red in the system helps to plan and monitor working life acti­vi­ties, select the ways of working with custo­mers and part­ners, and strengt­hen the rela­tions­hips. It enables the iden­ti­fica­tion of custo­mers and part­ners’ needs and sales management.

The CRM system helps to manage busi­ness proces­ses. The system enables the crea­tion of offers, sales orders, and invoices. The system provi­des statis­tics on the submit­ted offers and orders and on custo­mer assign­ments. The contact infor­ma­tion for working life part­ners is located in one place in the CRM system and it can be utili­sed in marke­ting commu­nica­tion and in infor­ma­tion distri­bu­tion. Imme­diate feed­back is also collec­ted in the system and it can be compi­led for the purpose of evalua­tion and deve­lop­ment of operations.

7. Content of the register

The CRM system inclu­des perso­nal data for the following cate­go­ries of people: UAS alumni, various inte­rest groups such as stra­te­gic part­ners, key part­ners, opera­tio­nal part­ners and inter­na­tio­nal part­ners, and service busi­ness custo­mers (compa­nies, associa­tions, public orga­ni­sa­tions, private people), inclu­ding infor­ma­tion on the staff, as well as Karelia UAS CRM system users in their diffe­rent roles. The cate­go­ries of perso­nal data proces­sed in the system are as follows: name, address, email, telep­hone number, emplo­yer, and person’s role or duties in the organisation.

8. Legal basis for proces­sing perso­nal data

The mana­ge­ment of statu­tory duties is the legal basis for proces­sing perso­nal data in applied research, deve­lop­ment and inno­va­tion acti­vi­ties and in artis­tic acti­vi­ties in promo­ting busi­ness and regio­nal deve­lop­ment and the local industrial struc­ture. Part­ners­hip acti­vi­ties are based on agree­ments and the legal basis is cont­rac­tual. As regards the service busi­ness of Karelia UAS, the basis for proces­sing perso­nal data is a legi­ti­mate advan­tage. Alumni infor­ma­tion is obtai­ned from data subjects by their own consent, so the legal basis for the proces­sing of perso­nal data is the consent of the data subject him/herself.

9. Grounds for provi­ding perso­nal data

Agree­ment-based part­ners­hip acti­vi­ties require having infor­ma­tion on contact persons. Perso­nal data in service busi­ness and in alumni acti­vi­ties is needed for provi­ding the services.

10. Legi­ti­mate advan­ta­ges of the regis­ter controller

Mana­ging service busi­ness opera­tions. Emplo­y­ment-related issues of the staff of Karelia UAS.

11. Secu­rity of proces­sing perso­nal data

The CRM system of Karelia UAS, inclu­ding the contents of the system, is located in a server faci­lity moni­to­red with an access control system. The use of the CRM system is based on access rights that depend on the person’s role and duties at Karelia UAS. Appropriate protec­tion tech­no­lo­gies are used for the trans­fer of data. Secure email is avai­lable to be used for confi­den­tial messaging.

12. Reci­pients or reci­pient groups of perso­nal data

Mailing lists in Excel format are down­loa­ded from the CRM system into a service by Koodi­vii­dakko Oy for the purpose of commu­nica­tion and infor­ma­tion distri­bu­tion by Karelia UAS president’s office. The CRM system has a box that can be ticked to prohi­bit marke­ting commu­nica­tion. The Meer­kado system (see for Privacy Policy) by Sole­novo Oy provi­des an Excel-format report that can be expor­ted into the CRM system (name, telep­hone number, email address, company name), if needed. Karelia UAS uses the Report­ro­nic working time and project mana­ge­ment system by Sebitti Oy that has a two-way connec­tion for trans­fer­ring project staff data. The Micro­soft O365 service used by Karelia UAS is inter­lin­ked with the CRM system of Karelia UAS, which means, for example, that acti­vi­ties can be viewed using an Outlook plugin.

13. Trans­fer of perso­nal data outside the Euro­pean Union or the Euro­pean Econo­mic Area

Perso­nal data will not be trans­fer­red outside the EU or EEA.

14. Reten­tion of perso­nal data

Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences has a part­ners­hip programme in which the part­ners’ contact infor­ma­tion is acti­vely updated. Speci­fic persons have been appoin­ted in charge of the stra­te­gic and key part­ners of Karelia UAS and they are respon­sible for main­tai­ning the data on respec­tive part­ners and contact persons. It is not neces­sary in the CRM system to comple­tely delete data, but e.g. a contact persons’ data can be removed (passivated/activated). When the acti­va­tion of a contact person is removed, it cannot be edited or used with other records. Deac­ti­va­ted user accounts may be reac­ti­va­ted, if neces­sary. An alumnus can submit a data removal request via a web form. Custo­mer rela­tions­hip mana­ge­ment docu­ments (part­ners­hip agree­ments, part­ners­hip infor­ma­tion) are stored accor­ding to the Karelia UAS archi­ving plan.

15. Rights of the regis­te­red person

The rights of the regis­te­red person are deter­mi­ned accor­ding to the purpose of proces­sing perso­nal data. The regis­te­red person has the right to inspect the data concer­ning him/herself stored in the regis­ter. The request for the inspec­tion has to be made to the cont­rol­ler of the regis­ter. The regis­te­red person has the right to request correc­tion or removal of data, set limi­ta­tions for the hand­ling of his/her perso­nal data, object the hand­ling of the data, and s/he has the right to trans­fer data from one system to another. The regis­te­red person has the right to with­draw his/her consent to the hand­ling of his/her perso­nal data at any time. In addi­tion, the regis­te­red person has the right to file a complaint with the super­vi­sory autho­rity. The contact person concer­ning the rights of the regis­te­red person is the person in charge of data protec­tion, whose contact details are in section 5 of this statement.

16. Auto­ma­tic deci­sion-making and profiling

Not in use.