study in Finnish

Rolling Admis­sion II Spring 2024

Rolling admis­sion is a new way to apply to Karelia UAS for degree studies. 

Appli­ca­tion period 

18 March – 30 April 2024

Offered degree programmes at Rolling Admis­sion II:

Degree Programme in Indus­trial Management

Degree Programme in Infor­ma­tion and Commu­ni­ca­tion Technology

Appli­ca­tion instructions

Apply during the appli­ca­tion period. Appli­ca­tion form will be avail­able during the appli­ca­tion period.

Fill in the appli­ca­tion form here (link opens on 18 March 2024)

You can fill in only one appli­ca­tion form and apply only one degree programme in the rolling admission.

The admis­sion process is based on rolling admis­sion. Once the study places have been fulfilled, new appli­cants can not be accepted. 

Only complete appli­ca­tions will be processed in order of arrival. Appli­ca­tions are consid­ered to be completed when appli­ca­tion forms have been sent, and all neces­sary attach­ments are attached to it. Attach­ments must be uploaded by 5 May 2024. Appli­cants must meet the eligi­bil­ity require­ments and student admis­sion crite­ria. Study places will be offered to the eligi­ble appli­cants who meet the admis­sion crite­ria in the order of arrival. 

The result of the student selec­tion will be informed by emails as soon as the appli­ca­tion has been processed. 

Eligi­bil­ity requirements

Appli­cants must have completed a degree that provides eligi­bil­ity for higher educa­tion studies in the award­ing country in ques­tion. Appli­cants with bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, post­grad­u­ate licen­ti­ate and doctoral degrees can also apply. Degree must be completed by 7 August 2024. 

Required docu­ments to be attached to the appli­ca­tion form: 

  • Copies of the final grad­u­a­tion certifi­cates and tran­scripts of records. 
  • If the docu­ments are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, offi­cial trans­la­tions in one of those languages must be enclosed to the appli­ca­tion form. Trans­la­tions must be signed and stamped by autho­rized translators.
  • A copy of a valid pass­port or offi­cial iden­tity card.

Eligi­bil­ity for grade 12 students who grad­u­ate after the appli­ca­tion period in spring 2024 

Required docu­ments to be attached to the appli­ca­tion form:

  • All finished senior high school semes­ters’ acad­e­mic records with required GPA and Maths (offi­cially issued by senior high school).
  • A copy of a valid pass­port or offi­cial iden­tity card.
  • By 15th June 2024, an interim certifi­cate on grad­u­a­tion or total senior high-school acad­e­mic records issued by the educa­tional insti­tu­tion must be uploaded to the students’ application. 
  • By 7th August 2024, final degree certifi­cate must be ready and uploaded to applicant’s own appli­ca­tion. The admis­sion is condi­tional until all required docu­ments (final degree certifi­cate and total senior high-school acad­e­mic records) are checked. 
  • If the docu­ments are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, offi­cial trans­la­tions in one of those languages must be enclosed to the appli­ca­tion form. Trans­la­tions must be signed and stamped by autho­rized translators.

Student admis­sion criteria

Two student selec­tion methods are used. You can’t choose the selec­tion method by your­self but you will be consid­ered for all suit­able selec­tion methods auto­mat­i­cally. Please read the detailed instruc­tions for the selec­tion methods below.

  • Certifi­cate-based student selec­tion (India, Vietnam) and English language certificate
  • SAT test

Accept­ing the study place, tuition fee, start­ing the studies

Infor­ma­tion on accept­ing the study place will be sent by emails to accepted students. Tuition fee is 9 000 – 10 000 euros in acad­e­mic year. Accepted students will receive two emails. 

1) Email with Study place offer from Study­info. Study place is accepted elec­tron­i­cally by using the link in the email. 

2) Email from Karelia UAS (sent from [email protected]). Email includes signed accep­tance letter and tuition fee payment instructions. 

Impor­tant notes for applicants:

  • Offered study place must be accepted within 7 days from the study place offer. 
  • Early bird priced tuition fee, which is -10% of full first-year tuition fee, is avail­able when appli­cant accepts the study place within 7 days and pays the tuition fee within 14 days
  • If tuition fee is not paid within 14 days, early bird priced fee is not avail­able anymore. Tuition fee must be paid within 45 days from the study place offer. 

Read more about the tuition fees, early bird price tuition fee and schol­ar­ships here.

Studies will begin in August 2024. Please, see the Infor­ma­tion for New Students for further information.

In case of any ques­tions, please contact [email protected]