Privacy state­ment: Suppor­ting Immi­grants in Higher Educa­tion (SIMHE)

PRIVACY STATEMENT   24th April 2018, updated January 18th 2024.
Regu­la­tion (EU) 679/2016 on General Data Protec­tion as of 25th May 2018, Data Protec­tion Act 1050/2018
Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences / Suppor­ting Immi­grants in Higher Educa­tion (SIMHE)

1. Regis­ter Controller

Karelia Ammat­ti­kor­kea­koulu Oy / Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Ltd.

Address: Tikka­rinne 9, FI-80200 Joensuu, Finland

Tel. +358 13 260 600

Email: info(at)

2. Person in Charge of the Register

CEO / Presi­dent of Karelia UAS

3. Person in Charge of SIMHE

Inter­na­tio­nal Student Recruit­ment Specia­list, SIMHE coun­sel­lor Taru Väisä­nen , tel. +358 50 413, 8260, simhe(at)

4. Contact Person of SIMHE

Inter­na­tio­nal Student Recruit­ment Specia­list, SIMHE coun­sel­lor Taru Väisä­nen , tel. +358 50 413, 8260, simhe(at)

5. Person in Charge of Data Protection

Karelia Ammat­ti­kor­kea­koulu Oy, Data Protec­tion Officer, Tikka­rinne 9, FI-80200 Joensuu

Tel. +358 50 525 0623, email: tietosuoja(at)

6. Purpose of Proces­sing Perso­nal Data

The Mini­stry of Educa­tion and Culture has selec­ted Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences as one of the higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions in Finland respon­sible for immi­grant work with the aim of giving guidance to immi­grants by helping them find study oppor­tu­ni­ties in higher educa­tion and producing services for recog­ni­sing the prior compe­tence of immi­grants and thus faci­li­ta­ting the process of inte­gra­tion and suppor­ting the emplo­y­ment. These services are imple­men­ted within the natio­nal SIMHE network (Suppor­ting Immi­grants in Higher Educa­tion inclu­ding four Univer­si­ties and six Univer­si­ties of Applied Sciences. The aim is to support adult immi­grants’ inte­gra­tion into the Finnish society by helping them find appropriate study oppor­tu­ni­ties in higher educa­tion and finding suitable career choices.

The purpose of these acti­vi­ties is to support immi­grants in finding appropriate study oppor­tu­ni­ties in Finnish higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions, help them have their prior lear­ning and studies recog­ni­sed and acknow­led­ged swiftly accor­ding to natio­nal prac­tices, and support their inte­gra­tion into the Finnish society, educa­tion and world of work.

Karelia SIMHE applies the perso­nal data regis­ter in the purpose of Karelia SIMHE custo­mer service and compi­la­tion of statistics.

7. Content of the Register

The SIMHE regis­ter inclu­des the following perso­nal data of the customers:

  • e-mail address
  • star­ting year of the use of the services
  • orga­ni­sa­tion where the guidance has been carried out and form of guidance given
  • gender, natio­na­lity and age (accu­racy 10 years)
  • home munici­pa­lity and mother tongue
  • length of resi­dency in Finland
  • level of educa­tion (highest degree completed)
  • field of previous studies/degree and the stage of comple­tion of studies
  • current work/study status at the time of the guidance meeting
  • infor­ma­tion on where the custo­mer has been or has not been forwar­ded to

8. Legal Basis for Proces­sing Perso­nal Data

The legal basis for proces­sing perso­nal data is a legi­ti­mate advan­tage. The customer’s perso­nal data will be collec­ted during the custo­mer service situa­tion either verbally during a guidance meeting or in writing by e.g. e-mail or filling in a form.

9. Grounds for Provi­ding Perso­nal Data

Perso­nal data is needed for provi­ding the services.

10. Secu­rity of Proces­sing Perso­nal Data

The regis­ter for Karelia SIMHE will be main­tai­ned on a hard drive secured by Karelia UAS inter­nal network secu­rity. The access to the regis­ter has been limited to the Project Manager/Counsellor of SIMHE. Secure email is avai­lable to be used for confi­den­tial messaging.

11. Reci­pients or Reci­pient Groups of Perso­nal Data

Iden­ti­fiable data of custo­mers in the SIMHE regis­ter will not be disclo­sed to a third party outside Karelia UAS. Non-iden­ti­fiable data of custo­mers in the regis­ter will be disclo­sed to the Mini­stry of Educa­tion and Culture for statis­tical purposes.

12. Trans­fer of Perso­nal Data Outside the Euro­pean Union or the Euro­pean Econo­mic Area

Perso­nal data will not be trans­fer­red outside EU or EEA.

13. Reten­tion of Perso­nal Data

Data on the SIMHE regis­ter will be main­tai­ned until the end of the stra­tegy period.

14. Rights of the Regis­te­red Person

The regis­te­red person has the right to inspect the data concer­ning him/herself stored in the regis­ter. The request for the inspec­tion has to be made to the cont­rol­ler of the regis­ter. The regis­te­red person has the right to request correc­tion or removal of data, set limi­ta­tions for the hand­ling of his/her perso­nal data, object the hand­ling of the data, and s/he has the right to trans­fer data from one system to another. The regis­te­red person has the right to with­draw his/her consent to the hand­ling of his/her perso­nal data at any time. In addi­tion, the regis­te­red person has the right to file a complaint with the super­vi­sory autho­rity. The contact person concer­ning the rights of the regis­te­red person is the person in charge of data protec­tion, whose contact details are in section 5 of this statement.

15. Auto­ma­tic deci­sion-making and profiling

Not in use.