The Euro­pean Master in Active Ageing and Age-friendly Society

The Euro­pean Master in Active Ageing and Age-friendly Society (EMMA) is being deve­lo­ped by researc­hers and educa­tors from higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions in Finland, Austria, Greece, Ireland, Portu­gal, and Slove­nia. Our goal is to develop an inter­discipli­nary, future-orien­ted, inter­na­tio­nal master’s programme provi­ding a wide range of profes­sio­nals with tools for syste­mic active ageing promo­tion for the continent’s benefit. This project is suppor­ted by funding from Erasmus+.

About EMMA

The EMMA project addres­ses the oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­len­ges of the ageing popu­la­tion in Europe by deve­lo­ping an inter­discipli­nary Euro­pean Master in Active Ageing and Age-friendly Society. The master’s programme will enable future gradua­tes to broaden their know­ledge and develop skills for crea­ting an inclusive society and meaning­ful active ageing promotion.

Higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions in Finland, Austria, Greece, Ireland, Slove­nia, and Portu­gal complete the inter­na­tio­nal and inter­discipli­nary consor­tium. With exper­tise from the fields of psyc­ho­logy, tech­nical sciences, social work, geriat­rics, physiot­he­rapy, and related subjects, our consor­tium works to create know­ledge and inno­va­tive good prac­tices both for and within the master’s programme. Student intake is to commence in 2023.


In crea­ting this programme, the project aims to iden­tify the neces­sary compe­tences for profes­sio­nals while using the concepts of healthy and active ageing and age-friendly society. The inter­discipli­na­rity of the project team will be reflec­ted in the curricu­lum of the master’s programme, which aims to create compe­tent profes­sio­nals able to inno­va­ti­vely solve the chal­len­ges of ageing and ageing socie­ties, at local, natio­nal and Euro­pean level. It is our inten­tion to create a long-term, success­ful, and widely recog­ni­sed master’s programme with a diploma recog­ni­sed and signed by all partner institutions.

The EMMA master’s will be flexible as it will be deli­ve­red solely online. It will be desig­ned with applica­bi­lity and compa­ti­bi­lity in mind, to allow profes­sio­nals from many fields who recog­nise the need for exper­tise in healthy and active ageing and age-friendly society to get involved.


The process of crea­ting this programme is guided by a series of intel­lec­tual outputs, each buil­ding on the process and results of the last: 

Output 1

The needs analy­sis focuses on poten­tial student lear­ning needs and rele­vant policies in healthy and active ageing. The know­ledge gene­ra­ted is gathe­red by scoping review and survey of the broad range of stake­hol­ders, as well as establis­hing a policy repo­si­tory repre­sen­ting 10 EU countries. 

Output 2

The curricu­lum deve­lop­ment establis­hes the framework and lear­ning approac­hes of the EMMA master’s programme. This invol­ves consul­ta­tion with Euro­pean, natio­nal, and insti­tu­tion requi­re­ments and collec­tion of best prac­tices from the lite­ra­ture and partner institutions.

Output 3

The deve­lop­ment of the core modules relies on the results of the needs analy­sis and takes place in close colla­bo­ra­tion with the next intel­lec­tual output. Struc­tu­ral details (e.g. ECTS) will be derived from the results of the curricu­lum framework.

Output 4

The elec­tive modules take a similar deve­lop­men­tal route to the core modules. The needs analy­sis and consor­tium-wide discus­sions helps to deter­mine whether topics are deemed core or elective. 

Output 5

E-lear­ning plat­form and tools is the basis for module deve­lop­ment by crea­ting a solid, syste­ma­tic, clear, flexible, and trans­pa­rent framework. There is careful explo­ra­tion of current prac­tices and use of e-lear­ning plat­forms, and the skills and compe­tences of online teac­hing in each partner institution. 

Output 6

The crea­tion of the vali­da­tion and quality assu­rance framework inclu­des the deve­lop­ment of refe­rence quality indica­tors, a metho­do­logy for reviewing educa­tio­nal content and process, and a tool kit for inter­nal and exter­nal review of the programme. 

Output 7

The joint degree and accre­di­ta­tion framework is created in close consul­ta­tion with the Euro­pean Approach for Quality Assu­rance of Joint Program­mes (EQAR). The consor­tium colla­bo­ra­tes to collect compa­ri­sons of expe­riences and policies, review natio­nal legal accre­di­ta­tion frameworks, and agree on defi­ni­tions of the orga­ni­sa­tio­nal struc­ture and respon­si­bi­li­ties. The final output being a policy recom­men­da­tion on the accre­di­ta­tion of online joint degrees to inform legis­la­tion at natio­nal and EU level. 

Project Part­ners

Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Finland.
Lead: Raija Kuisma

Carint­hia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Austria.
Lead: Andrea Stitzel

Natio­nal and Kapo­di­strian Univer­sity of Athens, Greece.
Lead: Pana­giota Sourtzi

Univer­sity College Cork, Ireland.
Lead: Suzanne Timmons

Univer­sity of Lisbon, Portu­gal.
Lead: Fátima Baptista

Univer­sity of Ljubl­jana, Slove­nia.
Lead: Jana Mali


Here you can find infor­ma­tion on all publica­tions made during the the Erasmus+ Project EMMA.


Student needs analy­sis in active ageing: Progress

EMMA: Euroop­pa­lai­sen mais­te­ri­kou­lu­tuk­sen kehit­tä­mi­nen vauh­dissa

Acade­mic papers

Post­gra­duate educa­tion in healthy and active ageing: lear­ning needs, curricu­lum and expec­ted outco­mes: a scoping review protocol

Post­gra­duate educa­tion in healthy and active ageing: a syste­ma­tic scoping review of lear­ning needs, curricula and lear­ning impact

Lear­ning needs in healthy and active aging accor­ding to key stake­hol­ders: a multi­na­tio­nal survey

Confe­rence contributions

AGen2021: 7th Asian confe­rence on Aging & Geron­to­logy: Euro­pean Master Active Ageing and Age-friendly Envi­ron­ment (EMMA)

9th Scien­ti­fic Confe­rence: All About People: Digital Trans­for­ma­tion in Science, Educa­tion and Arts: Home page (Oral presentation)

Finnish Natio­nal Board of Educa­tion: Spring Seminar – Inter­na­tio­nal Acti­vi­ties: Programme (Poster)

Socio­loško srečanje: Pande­mična družba: Starosti prijazna družba in aktivno staranje:
projekt EMMA

17th EUGMS Congress: Student lear­ning needs in healthy and active ageing: a multi­na­tio­nal survey of poten­tial students, acede­mics and key stake­hol­ders (Abstract #562)

IGS: The Annual and Scien­ti­fic Meeting 2021 ‘What does “Active Ageing” mean to you?’ A five-country survey of acade­mics, students, advocacy groups, and ‘expert’ older people and Inves­ti­ga­ting lear­ning needs, outco­mes, and curricula in healthy and active ageing: a scoping review and multi­na­tio­nal survey

11th Hong Kong Inter­na­tio­nal Nursing Forum: Euro­pean Master in Active Ageing and Age-Friendly Society (Poster 6006)

Cohehre Confe­rence 2022: Programme (Presen­ta­tion in paral­lel sessions)

Forschungs­fo­rum der öster­reic­hische Hochschu­len (FFH 2022): Programme Buil­ding an online Joint Program Plat­form Archi­tec­ture for the “EMMA” Project (Poster)


8. kongres social­nega dela (8th congress of social work): Home page (Oral presentation)

3rd Inter­na­tio­nal Hybrid Confe­rence of Healthy Aging in Digi­tized Socie­ties: Active Ageing and Age Friendly Society: Programme (Presen­ta­tion)

From Molecu­les to People: Programme (Poster)

13th Natio­nal Confe­rence of Nursing Students: Programme (Round Table Presentation)

College of Medicine and Health Teac­hing and Lear­ning showcase: Inves­ti­ga­ting Lear­ning Needs, Outco­mes, And Curricula In Healthy And Active Ageing: A Scoping Review And Multi­na­tio­nal Survey

Poster-EMMA-UCC Lear­ning and Teac­hing ShowcaseDown­load

21st Inter­na­tio­nal Confe­rence on Infor­ma­tics, Mana­ge­ment, and Tech­no­logy in Healthcare:
Survey Results on Online Teac­hing and Lear­ning Envi­ron­ments in the Euro­pean EMMA Project